ISBN 978-1-922890-24-5

Hair Loss in Women

Understand why this is happening to you and learn how to turn your hair growth back on

Hair loss for a woman can be a devastating blow. A blow to our self-esteem and our very identity.

As a former Registered Nurse, herself a hair loss sufferer, Bambi Staveley was astounded by the lack of information available for women with hair loss.

If you are a woman suffering from hair loss, you have probably searched the internet for answers, only to discover a world of contradictory information and a sea of so-called magic potions, drops, supplements and miracle cures all competing for our desperate dollar.

Hair Loss in Women is the result of over a decade of research. It contains everything you need to know to understand why this is happening to you and to give your hair the best chance at recovery.


ISBN 978-1-922803-98-6

Reflections from the Shadows

Reflections from the Shadows is a haunting collection of deep emotional writings that Lisa has compiled over many years, during her healing journey.

Included amongst the expressive pieces are informational sections. The topics covered within this book range from obscurity to illumination. It is her dream to help shed some light on abusers’ techniques, mental illness, personal growth and how to own your recovery journey. In a way that encourages you to take charge of your personal healing journey, by allowing yourself the discretion of collapsing down at times and developing resilience to stand back up and conquer your battles.

lisa everingham author

About the Author

Lisa was born in Australia and is a single mother of two teenage children. She enlisted in the Australian Defence force at eighteen years old. Lisa served as a medic during her time in the ADF and it was this basic understanding of the medical field that inspired her to research psychology and sociology. She used this research to grasp an understanding on the darkness that had been cast her way. Lisa worked through her darkest times with great resilience and wanted to share her experiences with people that are on similar paths.

Lisa believes that it is a great privilege to walk beside others in their darkest moments, and she would love nothing more than to be the light for others when they need guidance the most. She understands how it feels to walk alone in the darkest hour, and she hopes to help those that are in need.

It has been her dream to write a book that may become a bible to those that have been abused and learning to navigate the world after abuse. Lisa has lived through much abuse, and wishes to help others through their hardships, with her lived experience.


ISBN 978-1-922722-31-7

The Journey of 100 Hidden Hearts


A profound program for spiritual connection with your heart, The Journey of 100 Hidden Hearts will help you discover your authentic self, and gift you with the tools to transform your life.

The protective walls you have built around your heart are the same ones that keep you imprisoned.

It is time to find the courage to live a life true to yourself, and not the life others expect of you.

You are invited to take positive action to ignite your soul, live with true joy and fully embrace who you were always created to be.

You are the change you have been looking for, and this book will guide you home to your heart, and your true self.

Dr John McSwiney the journey of 100 hidden hearts

About the Author

Dr John McSwiney is a neuroscience based coach, and author. His coaching and programs are designed to connect you with your heart so you live your best life. He has degrees in Social Science, Law and a Master of Arts and PhD in Philosophy from Monash University. He is also a certified mBIT Practitioner, Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Timline (Matrix) Practitioner and a Conscious Hypnosis Practitioner. Dr John’s mission is to connect every person with their heart. It is his legacy gift. 

WALES, Stephen

ISBN 978-0-6483239-1-4


A true story of love & human resilience

On their honeymoon in remote Northern India, Steve and Terri’s lives would be forever changed when their tour vehicle collides with an oncoming bus.

What follows is a series of events only the rarest of people survive.Left with catastrophic injuries and given little hope of ever regaining her life back, Terri’s story is one of true courage, determination and ultimately triumph over enormous odds.

ISBN 978-1-922722-95-9

Fork in the Road

When the screaming fades and the sounds of breaking glass and twisting metal are just distant memories, what happens next?

Putting the pieces of lives torn apart back together is a challenge that will test Steve and Terri well beyond the accident that forever changed them.

Steven Wales Author - Unbreakable
stephen and terri author fork in the road

About the Author

To come.


ISBN: 9781922722706
PAPERBACK, 156 pages

I’ll Give it One Week

Did you know that your body is always talking to you, and you have the innate ability to find freedom from pain and suffering?

The messages are always there, we just don’t often pay attention to what they’re saying. When was the last time you sat silently and listened to what your body was really trying to tell you, before grasping for a pain killer or quick fix solution.

In her younger years Emma struggled with severe mental illness and was being treated for depression, anxiety, PTSD, panic attacks and suicidal ideation. Struggles so severe that Emma even attempted to end her own life. Then Emma’s life took an even more dramatic turn when she was diagnosed with a degenerative spinal condition which in addition to leaving her mostly bedridden with limited mobility, led to her suffering from chronic pain for much of her 20s.

I’ll Give it One Week! is a intimate account of Emma’s personal journey and also a step by step program that you can follow to kick-start a new journey too. This book and program is suitable and recommended for anyone wanting to make positive changes, go inward and work on themselves, to discover not only their true self but the limitless potential to self-heal.

Book author Emma McAuliffe

About the Author

Emma McAuliffe: Holistic Life Coach, healer, entrepreneur, author, blogger, speaker & advocate for mental and physical health awareness!

Emma is a certified NLP coach who specializes in narrative therapy and alternative techniques and has been supporting people all over the world to self heal. Emma’s work as a coach involves integrating personalized programs supporting the self healing journey of people awakening to the power they have within.

Emma’s unique approach integrates a number of healing modalities by using a systematic Life planning & organization system which she details in her complete 12 month self development program ‘Life House.’ This signature program helps women and men get back to basics, reassess their foundation and create the environment needed to heal the mind, body and soul from the inside out covering all areas.

Emma’s mission and vision is to help others transform their lives and be free of self-inflicted pain and suffering.


ISBN 978-1-922337-03-0

Over the Rainbow

Reflections of Love to Overcome Grief

I hope these words of gratitude and love heal you and my loss helps you.

All babies live on in our hearts and it is your choice to remember them with happiness. There is a place of peace and they are there waiting for you. It is not goodbye, you will feel them again when it is your time to go to the light. Remember them with a smile, not with sadness. You shared your life with them, feel blessed everyday having known them when they were here on Earth.

For all those who have lost fur or human babies, I understand your loss. Know your heart grows the more you love. When you are ready you will heal, smile and love again. x

ISBN 978-1-92452-51-1


A Gift for Humanity

ONE explains food, our bodies, health, emotions, colours, your soul, Earth & our energy connection to all, most importantly messages from the greater consciousness to help humanity.

Using food as the conductor and our body as the reactive, Ilka has energetically proven that living energy is aware and shares a live consciousness with us, physical proof that positive and negative energy can be exchanged and transferred to and from different objects and places. Why everything people speak, do, think, use, apply and feel makes a worldwide effect on the planet. Why is this breakthrough important? Because it is proof we can change the world we live in for the positive by bringing light love and peace to our lives and to all living energy. Read this and know

YOU are the person who can make a difference to the Earth!

Consciousness exists with everything living. This is your new love and compassion Bible. We can change the world loving and nurturing it back to life. We are all connected we are ONE.

It all starts with an apple…



About the Author

Information to come.

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