Little Book of Big Book Marketing Tips book cover

ISBN 978-1-923333-45-1

ISBN 978-1-923333-82-6

ISBN – Coming soon

Turning Pain Into Purpose


If you aren’t where you want to be, you haven’t become who you need to be


Just as Kintsugi, the ancient Japanese art, celebrates the beauty of mending broken pottery with gold, this book serves as a metaphor for life. It encourages us and illustrates how we can perceive the broken and fractured parts of ourselves – and others – as opportunities to infuse resilience, beauty, and character into our life’s journey.

Be empowered to overcome your challenges and uncover your true potential with the powerful 777 Pathway. Within these beautiful
pages, explore a guide that will assist you in dismantling the cycle of setbacks rooted in self-doubt and ingrained habits.

We are always just one decision away from a transformation, one decision away from forging a new path. Take action and choose to be the creator of your life rather than a victim of your circumstances. It’s time to decide what kind of life you want – and say no to everything that isn’t that.

WENYA, Kimberley

ISBN 978-1-923265-06-6

The Manifestation Diaries

Here are the chronicles of exploring manifestation with an open mind and sceptical heart. These are ideas that enchanted and bewildered me, though not without some edge of doubt. The answers for the workings and magic of life, and reality, are mysterious and rarely certain, but at least for a time, I suppose these were mine.

Secrets of a season, stories from a period of youth, seen through my starry eyes, wild imagination and midnight dreams.

– Kimberley Wenya

Little Book of Big Book Marketing Tips book cover

About the Author

Kimberley Wenya has a Bachelor of Science from Th e University of Melbourne, and a Bachelor of Science (Osteopathy) from Victoria
University. Th e Manifestation Diaries is her debut publication. She lives in Melbourne, Victoria and in her free time enjoys rock climbing, watching movies, playing the violin, writing poems and taking her miniature schnauzer, Blue, out for café walks.


ISBN 978-1-923265-40-0

Intentional Intuition


Awareness is another way of knowing

VALE   |  Kym Stevens  | 1954 – 2024

About 12 years ago I saw a need for information regarding knowing amongst the community.

I wanted to keep spiritual learning, simple, heartfelt, loving, and practical. It started as a series of 33 flash cards.
I scrapped that format recently realising that just opening a page to a step and reading was how I had been reading for about 9 years!
I became distracted by life and other practicalities which put the book and its development on hold (I believe I was waiting for world events to rekindle the book’s purpose).
So here it is!
Kym Stevens, July 2024
Kym Stevens author

About the Author

Kym was a remarkable person who touched the lives of everyone he met and had an extraordinary impact on those around him. He was a source of strength and inspiration, always ready to offer support and guidance. Kym’s legacy is one of love and unwavering kindness to his family and friends.

Professionally, Kym had a varied work life, which really allowed him to gain experiences across fields that later helped him help others in so many ways. Importantly, it wasn’t his career that defined Kym. He was a devoted family member, a life partner with Christine, a father, and a friend. His generosity and compassion were evident in everything he did.

Kym grew up between Glenelg and the farm at Williams Town with his father, Rex, and Mother, Joyce. He would tell stories about life on the farm, setting rabbit traps, and working with his dog.

One of Kym’s proudest recent achievements was writing his books on intuition and soul mates. The first has now been published – details can be found on this page. The latter is being helped by family toward completion sometime in 2024.

These books combine his various lived experiences and some traditional science understandings, which are underpinned and elevated by spiritual guidance and interpretations of life. They aim to help people find their way. Kym considered these books to be part of the legacy he wanted to leave with all of us, and we are all the better for him doing so.



ISBN 978-1-922890-30-6

Saint Francis way Boot Camp

Inspirations for healing the chaos of our world

Make way for very-secret Aussie agents, Gaz and Anna, on a fun-filled adventure to find hope!

Come join the intrepid duo as they confront the evil agents of climate change, war, Covid, cancer and death, armed only with the chocolate box of life and faith in the Great Chocolatier!

Will we find answers to defeat the chaos of our world on a true story boot camp in Tuscany and Umbria, Italy via Manly and Melbourne, Australia?

Join the quest to discover chocolate-coated jewels of inspiration in the life-affirming footsteps of Saint Francis!

Hill of Grace quality Christian content
Garry Philpot Author

About the Author

Garry Philpott was born in Manly, Australia, and now lives in Melbourne, where he was a partner at one of Melbourne’s oldest law firms for over thirty years. This is his first published book.


ISBN 978-1-922722-31-7

The Journey of 100 Hidden Hearts


A profound program for spiritual connection with your heart, The Journey of 100 Hidden Hearts will help you discover your authentic self, and gift you with the tools to transform your life.

The protective walls you have built around your heart are the same ones that keep you imprisoned.

It is time to find the courage to live a life true to yourself, and not the life others expect of you.

You are invited to take positive action to ignite your soul, live with true joy and fully embrace who you were always created to be.

You are the change you have been looking for, and this book will guide you home to your heart, and your true self.

Dr John McSwiney the journey of 100 hidden hearts

About the Author

Dr John McSwiney is a neuroscience based coach, and author. His coaching and programs are designed to connect you with your heart so you live your best life. He has degrees in Social Science, Law and a Master of Arts and PhD in Philosophy from Monash University. He is also a certified mBIT Practitioner, Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Timline (Matrix) Practitioner and a Conscious Hypnosis Practitioner. Dr John’s mission is to connect every person with their heart. It is his legacy gift. 


ISBN 978-1-922722-58-4

Journey of the Awakening Heart

When we awaken our hearts to love we start to connect to the electromagnetic field of consciousness in the Universe. Our individual and collective suffering comes to an end when we align ourselves with the constantly weaving and ever-changing universal energetic patterns and the directionality of life force energy (prana).

This book has three main objectives:

  1. Inspire readers to find love and deep inner connection within their own hearts;
  2. Find the missing connection to the Creative Intelligent Source;
  3. Enlighten readers throughout the course of the current ascension process by inspiring them to open their hearts, shed old behavioural patterns, unwanted emotions and energies that cause suffering.

An important handbook pregnant with inspirational and contemplative spiritual messages which may help readers find their inner light and awaken within a deep desire for spiritual seeking of a life with an elevated consciousness, unconditional love and deep inner awareness, beyond the shadows of void and darkness.”

About the Author

Heba first started studying Eastern philosophy at the age of 15. She was born in Victoria, Australia, lived her teenage years in Mount Liban before returning to Australia permanently in 1996. She charted her own course from the mountains of distant Lebanon through the main streets of a war-ravaged Beirut on her way to the open skies of countryside Australia and finally to mystical India. 

She studied Vedic, Hindu, Greek and Western Philosophies. She then set up a school of yoga, meditation, healing and spiritual teaching in Mildura Vic in 2016.

Heba’s collection of poems and proses was inspired by the great philosophers Rumi, Osho, Yogananda and Gibran. Her main inspiration to publish her own book was derived from her personal spiritual experiences. Meeting her twin flame and husband inspired the pair to work towards fulfilling their divine mission to establish a healing centre and inspire millions to find true everlasting fulfilment within them and surrender to life being the key to breaking from the chains that keep humanity imprisoned in a world of suffering.