ISBN 978-1-922957-58-0

Monarch of the Mob

Story of Roy Rene Mo Comedian

Harry Van der Sluice, an Adelaide boy, performed circus acts at home on Saturdays.

When the family decided to move to Melbourne, Harry, now known as Roy, establishes himself as a singer and dancer.

After the entrepreneur Ben Fuller sees Roy’s act, he signs him for tours around Australia and New Zealand.

Recognising Roy’s exceptional talent, the Fuller management team him with Nathan Phillips. This marks the beginning of Roy’s remarkable career on the Australian variety stage.

Gae Anderson author

About the Author

Gae Anderson, born and educated in Wagga Wagga, NSW, worked there as a stenographer for three years. With her sights set on an acting career, Gae moved to Sydney to live and work. An actor friend encouraged her to audition for NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Art) a two-year acting course at the time. Taking his advice, she was accepted. Gae remained a theatre performer for almost twenty years.

Her decision to move to Melbourne to live and work precipitated a change of direction toward university study and teaching.

In 1989, Gae returned to Sydney to live permanently. She gained her MA in Theatre Studies at the UNSW and PhD in Arts at Sydney University.

Professor Webby, Gae’s supervisor, encouraged her to convert her two-volume doctoral thesis into a book.

Tivoli King: The Life of Harry Rickards Vaudeville Showman was published in 2009. Wielding the Brush: Esther Paterson A lifetime in Australian Art followed in 2016.

PLANT, Beckie

ISBN 978-1-922957-60-3

Amazing like You

A book to grow identity and self-esteem

What makes you amazing?

We can tell our children how amazing they are, or we can help them learn why they’re amazing.

This book uses rhyme and illustration to teach our children to name the qualities that make them amazing.

About the Author

Beckie always wanted to write a children’s book—but it seemed as far away as the stars.

Then one day, Beckie decided she won’t ever know how far the stars actually are until she started walking—so she just started taking steps—some days big ones, some days little ones and the stars moved closer.

On other days, Beckie studied Developmental Trauma, Art therapy, youth work and Counselling, working in youth mental health to help others find their stars and start walking.


ISBN 978-1-922957-07-8

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Surviving the shame of disability within an ethnic family

Cassy is the first of her generation born into a Christian Lebanese family after they emigrated to Australia, and she was set to be the golden grandchild. But when it was discovered that she had cerebral palsy, the promise of her wonderful future vanished, and a veil of shame descended.

Now an embarrassment to the family, Cassy was hidden away from the community, just tolerated at home, and told she was an embarrassment, useless and would have no future. Her innocence protected her from realising she was unwanted, so Cassy put everything she had into living her life to its fullest. Once Cassy bravely stood up to her oppressors and became an independent individual, she would never be held back again.

Light at the End of the Tunnel is an autobiography chronicling Cassy’s journey through hard times and tough lessons supported by good friends and personal achievements. She hopes to inspire by sharing the lessons she has learned to build on your inner strength and fulfil your dreams.


ISBN 978-1-922957-08-5

Snaur the Magical Dragon

A magical, mystical adventure

SNAUR, A Mystical, Magical Adventure, is a fantasy story for young or the young at heart readers. The story revolves around a typical Australian family. One day ten-year-old Zac and his dog, Ned, discover something extraordinary in a cave not far from their home, a magical creature, a dragon named SNAUR.

As the story unfolds, the children in Zac’s family discover that Snaur has many unique talents. Snaur takes the family to visit his planet, Dragonia, a land vastly different to their own and full of lots of surprises.

King Snaurton, Snaur’s father tells Zac and his brother, Josh, they will be trained to become talented dragon riders and warriors. Their task will be to help Snaur to defeat a band of rogue dragons, known as the Grey Ones. The leaders of the Grey Ones, Ripperton and Slasherton, desire to take over Australia because they know the cave system where Snaur was found has a stream that contains magical properties. These magical properties will help Snaur and Zac’s family in their quest to defeat them.

ISBN 978-1-922957-78-8

Snaur the Magical Dragon

A Planet of Mysteries

SNAUR, A Planet of Mysteries, continues the adventures of Snaur, The Magical Dragon. Snaur and his Australian family move to his planet, Dragonia, where they train to be elite dragon warriors. Their task is to defeat a breakaway group of Dragons, The Grey Ones, led by the evil dragon, Ripperton and his son, Slasherton.

Dragonian teachers are quite different from those in Australia. Zac, Josh, and Annabelle learn many weird and mind-blowing skills. Ned meets his mentor, a black Labrador Jet. Ned proves to be a talented spy.

Australian Indigenous Elders guard something very precious. Snaur and his friends must ensure Ripperton does not discover where it is because if he does, he could use it to destroy Earth and Dragonia.

This book has many twists and turns and exciting surprises that will have young and the young at heart readers turning the pages.

ISBN 978-1-923088-19-1

Snaur the Magical Dragon

Saving Two Worlds

SNAUR, Saving Two Worlds, is the third and final book in the series.

Snaur and his Australian mates must defeat the rogue dragons, known as the Grey Ones, led by Ripperton and Slasherton.

The Grey Ones are fire-spewing dragons who want to control Earth and Dragonia. Ripperton wants to own the Gold Streams running deep in the caves near where Zac and Ned found Snaur in his egg. The gold properties in the stream will help his Grey Ones to defeat Snaur and his companions and finally rule Earth and Dragonia.

There are many exciting and, at times, unexpected, troublesome events that confront our heroes in this book, some may not survive. There is a fearsome battle between Snaur and his mates and the fire-breathing Grey Ones.

So, hang on while you take this exciting and dangerous ride with Snaur and his mates.

Who will survive?

About the Author

Dale Symons lives on the Mid North Coast of NSW, Australia. Dale is a Local Writer’s Club member and attends Writing Groups.

Dale’s writings were first published in her College Newspaper and various Community Papers while teaching in schools throughout NSW. She won two art exhibitions; (the first, run by her Local Council in Sydney) when she was eight years old—the second, taking out first prize in the Blue Waters Art Exhibition in Lake Cargelligo 1984.

Later, she studied Art at Newcastle University and now enjoys drawing, painting and sculpture. She gained employment as a Community Arts Officer for the Midwest of NSW and motivated others to pursue their creativity.

Her grandson, Zac, inspired her to write this first novel. He would ask her to “read” him a story from the age of two, meaning “make up a story for me.” So, one day, on a long car trip, she made up a story about a naughty, mischievous rabbit who stowed away on a passenger ship. After a while, she noticed her grandson had fallen asleep. So, she stopped the story, but the two adults in the front seats begged her to keep going, “Don’t stop, we’re right into that story!”

She says, “I always felt I’d write a book some time in my life, and now that I’m retired, I have time. My words and illustrations allow my imagination to come alive.”

My greatest pleasure as a teacher was encouraging my students to use their imagination.

Dale says, ‘One of our greatest philosophers, Albert Einstein, wrote, “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”’

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‘The adventures of the children are mindblowing and exciting. Shades of Never Ending Story told in an Aussie way.’

Hans von Chrismar (Editor)

‘I love the story. It flows well and children should have no trouble reading it. Dale, your imagination is extensive, and I look forward to more.’

Nola Ashcroft (Published author)


ISBN 978-1-922890-85-6

A Token Gift

A thriller about counterfeit men under robes of righteousness

After a life of tragedy, Alana joins the Australian Federal Police and soon meets CIA operative Nathan Collins, the man she expected to spend her life with, though that too turned to tragedy. Nathan contacts his estranged wife for assistance after three years apart when he is deployed to Spain and Morocco for an extremely dangerous assignment. One involving the staged assassination of the leader of a system not made accountable for a multitude of crimes performed by counterfeit men under cloaks of righteousness over the centuries. The threads of sexual and religious tension weave between Nathan and Alana, brought back together to execute this audacious plan.

Will the assassination attempt of the most powerful religious leader in the world bring the distraction required to detain them? Could this be the bridge they need to revisit their marriage, something they both secretly desire?

A Token Gift is threaded with political, religious, and historical facts.


ISBN 978-1-922957-27-6

Be Stoic, Be Happy

A simple guide to living a happier life

Life can be hard, unjust and unfair, but you can still be happy!

Through a simple explanation of stoic thinking, this book will teach you that you can personally responsible for your own happiness.

Happiness can be created from how you decide to view things in the world around you and also through your own actions.

Be Stoic, Be Happy will help you to start living a happier life today.