ISBN 978-1-923156-48-7

Attracting the Truth

The Power Behind the Law of Attraction


An immense and ancient power is about to give you an incredible opportunity! Whether you desire success and abundance, or a simpler life filled with love and happiness, it could now be yours for the taking!

In his down-to-earth and unique style, Sye Artus will take you on a thought-provoking and sometimes humorous journey based on his discoveries while trying to disprove the Law of Attraction. After revisiting events from his past, along with the help of scientific and historical facts, he concludes that we are indeed in charge of our destiny. Now, he is going to show you how to achieve the life of your dreams.

Sye Artus Author Photo

About the Author

Sye Artus is a British-born author, remedial therapist, and dry needling entrepreneur residing in North Queensland, Australia. 

After studying remedial therapy with remedial specialist and former British All-Styles Karate champion, Lorraine Kirk, he later achieved advanced dry needing qualifications under the guidance of world-renowned osteopath, acupuncturist, and author, Dr Wael Mahmood. Sye has since created his own unique combination of remedial therapy, manual manipulation, and dry needling which has resulted in him being regarded as one of the leading remedial therapists in North Queensland today.

Starting adult life as an impoverished single parent with two young daughters, Sye worked long hours in the building trade while continuing to peruse his interests in holistic, metaphysical, and eventually remedial therapy. After becoming a firefighter in the early 2000s, he continued with both careers simultaneously until 2018 when he finally moved to North Queensland were he still practices and resides today.

Here is Sye’s landing page:


‘If you are looking for another self-righteous rant telling you how to live your life, this isn’t it! Sye respects the sceptic, and his engaging, humorous and conversational style takes the reader on a gentle, if sometimes challenging journey that I believe most people will find very worthwhile. It is rare to find a self-help book that never becomes boring or lectures you and definitely offers possibilities for positive change. It’s worth reading twice!’

Tom Ryan RN CMHN (Psychotherapy)

Cert Psychedelic Assisted Therapy Psychotherapist FACMHN.


ISBN 978-1-923156-16-6

Living Your Best Life: Second Edition

Keys to freedom and wholeness

This book is for anyone who wants to live in a place of greater freedom, peace and fulfilment. Living Your Best Life reflects the heart of God for us to live fully as the people we were destined to be.

Each chapter integrates the restorative power of Christian spirituality with evidence based psychological tools, drawing on our relationship with God as a source of healing and wholeness.

Readers are invited to enter into a personal journey of growth and transformation as they are empowered with practical skills to flourish spiritually, think healthily and thrive emotionally.

Hill of Grace quality Christian content
Noni Potter self-published author author picture

About the Author

Noni is a Christian counsellor, psychotherapist and university lecturer with a rich history in pastoral work, prophetic ministry and prayer healing. She graduated with a Master of Counselling Practice and is an accredited trainer with Bethel Sozo Ministry. Noni is Head of Undergraduate Counselling at Tabor College in Adelaide. She is a sought-after speaker and is passionate about training and mentoring people in the areas of prayer, prophetic ministry, emotional wellbeing, and healthy relationships.


ISBN 978-1-923156-56-2 

Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance

Untravelled Paths Through Natural, Practical and Alternative Understandings of Your Life, Purpose and Meaning

How could a book challenge nearly everything you have been led or conditioned to believe about life and reality and still confirm what a part of you has always known? You are part of an Experiment of Consciousness and this truth has profound implications for how you can understand your life and live it. Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance presents bold, new and mind-bending perspectives that challenge fundamental assumptions of the natural world and our place in it. This work probes science, mathematics, music, mysticism, and consciousness in the search for truth, revealing unconventional ideas and new ways of understanding.

“IF you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking?

Haruku Murukami

Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance: Untravelled Paths Through Natural, Practical and Alternative Understandings of your Life, Purpose and Meaning 

Evolution transcends material beginnings: higher vibrational frequencies resonate from the infinitely small, on through the level of the Solar System and up through vastness of galaxies. Conscience is your inner guidance system: your inner voice is the active force of a superior consciousness. This very different understanding of polarity leads to new insights about how and why the world operates as it does when approximately half of the population remain essentially spiritually dead. Evidence has been hiding in plain sight: within the core truths of each of the major world faiths, within ancient wisdom, through modern science, mathematics, physics, and cymatics, consistent clues to the puzzle are emerging. Advanced superior consciousness has been in plain sight and awareness and knowledge of this challenges our understandings of origins, extending the natural Gaia Principle through to the next logical stages.

There are very rare human beings who have attained enlightenment through raising their vibration and transforming their being in ways leading to a much higher resonance. This small group of people have helped humankind along in every generation. During this lifetime you have extraordinary potential to lift your vibration and transform your inner frequencies. This work provides readers with new insights practical steps to help you achieve the aim your aims to understand your purpose and find your own path.

About the Author

G.E. Poole is a nothing and a nobody. Outwardly leading an ordinary life as a householder, from an early age he was drawn to physics, logic, science, philosophy and the quest for consciousness. At age 22 he entered The Work through the J. G. Bennett line of transmission through Sherborne House and the Claymont Society. In 1982 he migrated from Hawaii to New Zealand to become a pupil of Sufi Shaikh Abdullah Isa Dougan.

Subsequent to the passing of Abdullah in 1987, he continued to study and practice his teachings for over 30 years. In 1990, he met Sufi Master Irina Tweedy in London, and in 1992 had substantial direct close ongoing personal contact with Taoist Master Hua Ching Ni. He presently resides in Australia.


ISBN 978-1-922957-88-7

Consciousness and Biology

A Theology of Transformation for the 21st Century

Consciousness and Biology is for passionate atheists as well as passionate believers. It explores a new way of understanding the radical message of Jesus which is not only compatible with the ideas of modern science – but is also deeply honest about the human condition, radically progressive and ultimately hopeful.

It starts with the idea that, whatever else we might be, we are biological organisms who have evolved over a period of four billion years through a process of natural selection. We are also, however, biological organisms who now experience a threshold level of consciousness. A level of consciousness which not only allows us to observe the world around us – but also to observe ourselves. Our human level of consciousness provides us with the capacity to transcend our biological heritage. To choose behaviours which are an expression of Intentionality, Creative Freedom and Connectedness. An expression of Spirit.

These emerging modern ideas can not only be used to re-imagine the central ideas of Christianity. They can also be used to reimagine the ideas of other spiritual and religious traditions. These emerging modern ideas point towards the possibility of a universal way of understanding our human experience of Spirit. An understanding centred around the idea of Transformation rather than Justice.

RAMSAY, Gordon

ISBN 978-1-923088-00-9

Gordon’s Nuggets

The Principals of War and How they Help in Love, Life & Work

This is a book people might read because it relates time-honoured and field-tested values and principles to the trials and challenges of everyday life; just as importantly, it speaks the lessons of those principles in the kind of voice of a man who has taught them and tested them in military life and then over long years employed them in his life and in his successful practice as a management consultant. Here are values you can trust interpreted by a human you can trust. You’d read this for its hard-won wisdom and it’s author’s gentle humanity and long life’s experience. This is a rainy afternoon by a fire; this is not a lecture or a call to arms. This is NOT the other Gordan Ramsay. But it is a kind of cook book – for life, not for the kitchen.


ISBN 978-1-922957-98-6

Can We Do Better?

All Don’s books are about hope for us humans to do better than a mishmash of historical and current issues and harms that arise from misguided, dysfunctional and destructive expressions of masculinity. As clarified in all the poems — misguided, dysfunctional, harmful masculinity is not by all men, or even by most men, but is too-often manifested here, there and everywhere by too many men, in too many realms, over too long a time.

The poems weave a detailed network of patriarchal issues in culture, religion, politics, institutions, communities, families, and relationships. They highlight the impact of manmade harms to the earth, First Peoples, women, children, and other often-disempowered societal groupings.

Some men might struggle with this unusual and confronting anthology. In contrast, it is likely that a good proportion of women will sigh and nod as they work their way through the poems and the themes.

The poems advocate that societal evolution is contingent upon a critical mass of us facing key facts, truths and realities about wayward masculinity. The anthology concludes with a range of powerful and hopeful invitations that may help us humans do better than our history of man-made harms to ourselves, our kindred species, and the earth … our Mother.

ISBN 978-1-923156-08-1​

Are We Better Than?

ARE WE BETTER THAN? is the fourth in series of books that tackle pervasive and perplexing human issues. It is the scaled-down, abridged little-sister version of Can We Do Better? … which is the first and by the far the largest of the series. Comprising about half the number of pages of Can We do Better? … Are We Better Than? is less daunting and more manageable. This will appeal to people who prefer a smaller, easier, more compact read.

All Don’s books are about hope for us humans to do better than a mishmash of historical and current issues and harms that arise from misguided, dysfunctional and destructive expressions of masculinity.  As clarified throughout the book, misguided, dysfunctional, harmful masculinity is not by all men, or even by most men, but is too-often manifested here, there and everywhere … by too many men, in too many realms, over too long a time.

Are We Better Than? weaves a detailed network of patriarchal issues in culture, religion, politics, institutions, communities, families, and relationships. It highlights the impact of man-made harms to the Earth, First Peoples, Women, Children, and other often-disempowered societal groupings. Some men might struggle with these unusual and confronting themes. In contrast, it is likely that a good proportion of women will sigh and nod as they read.

Are We Better Than? concludes with a range of powerful and hopeful invitations that may help us humans do better than our history of man-made harms to ourselves, our kindred species, and the earth … our Mother.

About the Author

Don Morris is a family man and a retired veteran social worker. His professional background integrates counselling, program management, organisational improvement, cultural change, leadership development, teaching at university, and running his consultancy business.

Don is people-focused, a big-picture thinker, and a change agent. He is dedicated to promoting social justice and critical analysis of human issues. Don is perceptive, an original thinker, and solution-focused. He tackles issues with clarity, focus and determination.

In this anthology, Don is a ‘conscious dreamer’ and a mindful visionary. He is lucid about respective and combined influences of religion, populism, political machinations, pop-psychology, junk-science, conspiracy madness, internet misinformation, and social media inanity. In the face of these, Don is committed to educational processes that give voice to facts, truths and realities. He is also committed to possibilities for us to do better than so much unhelpful stuff that dumbs us down and holds us back.

In all his books, Don drills down into ‘inconvenient truths’ and synthesizes diverse macro and micro issues. He proposes ways for us to build a conscious blend of awareness, dignifying values, rationality, integrity, and accountability. Don reminds us that these interrelated priorities apply to individuals, relationships, institutions, communities, cultures, and governance. They are also crucial to our care and custodianship of human and environmental ecologies.

Don is person of mind, heart and hand. He is thinker, a lover, and a doer. His books encourage readers to think intelligently, rationally and strategically … to feel sentiently, passionately and earnestly … and to act purposefully, constructively and hopefully.