Author Simon Allar’s two titles: “Plan G” is the blueprint to discover God’s plan and purpose for your life. “George” tells the life story of George T Tilston, who experienced his fair share of trouble and sorrow in his first threescore and ten years: two world wars, a great depression and a deep recession to name a few.
This inspiring book contains incredible events experienced by Doug Willis that testify to God’s providence, provision and protection during his 60 years of missionary and evangelistic ministry.
The things shared in this book took place during his ministry in Australia and 40 other nations around the world.
In Behind the Tears, Dr Bruce Robinson discusses the different types of suffering that people experience today, how to understand why God allows it, and, most importantly, how to survive it.
David shares with an open and transparent heart his journey through depression, anxiety and multiple breakdowns. David reveals how God showed him to live in a better way.
This Biblically balanced book will help you to live a life that honours God and to experience His blessing in your finances. John here uses a powerful metaphor: If your financial world was a car, your forward progress is limited to the condition of its four wheels. Each wheel is equally important and represents a vital component in your approach to money.
BATTY, Andrew
Andrew awoke in a frantic Emergency room.
A voice exclaimed, ‘What happened, what happened?’
The paramedic responded, ‘I don’t know, I can’t explain it. The heart just started!’
CHI, Jenny
Jenny shares her personal experience with music, how it has impacted her own life and especially how she utilized it so effectively in various and numerous ways. The book also contains the stories of her friends and family members and what music meant to them and how it enriched their lives.
Shedding Light explores the rich history of St. Columb’s Anglican Church, Hawthorn, using its beautiful stained-glass windows as a point of reference. With more than 150 illustrations, it celebrates the artistry of some of Melbourne’s most gifted stained-glass creators, and remembers the lives of the parishioners to whom those windows are dedicated.
Come join the intrepid duo as they confront the evil agents of climate change, war, COVID, cancer and death, armed only with the chocolate box of life on loan from Forrest Gump! Join the quest to discover chocolate-coated jewels of inspiration in the life-affirming footsteps of Saint Francis!
CONNECTING YOUR STORY TO JESUS’ STORY. The disciple making path is influenced by three directional moves: 1. Move from disconnect to connect: Share to Win — Then Connect. 2. Move from informing to preparing: Build to Move. 3. Move from accumulating to sending: Train to Send.
BYRNE, Dr Ken & Rev Peter Corney
One of the most important functions of any leader is hiring the right staff. Yet most leaders have had little or no formal training in how to make these decisions.
This is the first book to provide practical solutions to this dilemma specifically prepared for all types of Christian organisations.
While completing a PhD in archaeology, Siraj finds 2000 year-old bones in a tomb in Madaba, Jordan. His atheist professor and Muslim authorities claim Christianity is finished. But Skye, Siraj’s Christian friend believes otherwise.
ANDREWS, Jonathan
Do you carry pain from a previous or existing relationship? While it is true that relationships can hurt us, they can also heal us. Dr Jonathan Andrews will lead you through the steps of healing.
LLOYD-JONES, Edwin & Laurel
Edwin and Laurel were two agnostics who were bowled over by a clear, inner call that took them on a mystical adventure that proved beyond any doubt that God had a plan for their lives.
ZEPPA, Talaylin
Who is this child sleeping in a manger?
Journey with the Angels, Shepherds and Kings as they follow a special Star and discover the Christmas story.
The Happy Marriage is written like a guidebook to help you build your connection, get on the same page, and go in the same direction. Intimacy is a natural by-product when you work on these areas.
The debut poetry collection by author Emma Jane Catchpole. Uniquely intimate, these poems will touch your heart and inspire you to seek the Love that is all around you.
RING, Monica
Whatever your idea of self-care is, there is no right or wrong way of doing it. In this book we will explore 20 steps to achieve and maintain emotional, physical and mental self-care.