ISBN 978-1-922957-58-0

ISBN 978-1-922957-89-4

Beautiful Moments

A collection of poems, short stories and song lyrics

Finding a glimpse of light in dark terrain can be daunting.

Beautiful Moments is a heartfelt and soulful companion on the ever-changing life journey. It is an eclectic collection of poems, short stories, and song lyrics which inspire the reader to connect with and to explore their inner world on a deeper level.

In its honesty and rawness, Beautiful Moments touches on love, loss, death, rebirth, connection, loneliness, heartbreak, hope, self-growth and relationships. We all have moments of feeling broken or wounded, yet as we allow the waves of life to flow and we surrender to what is, our soul starts to heal. With each small step forward, we can invite the possibility to start anew, and navigate the world through fresh and curious eyes.

Livia Fasulo playwriter

About the Author

Livia Fasulo lives in Australia and is a teacher of Languages and Performing Arts. She lived in Italy and Germany for a number of years. She is the author of Italian Short Plays: Gli Adolescenti and La Lettera. Her passion for writing has been ever-present, and she has created a body of work which encapsulates her interests of poetry, storytelling, music and songwriting.

“May each of my creative pieces inspire your soul to fly beyond your wildest dreams.”
– Livia Fasulo

CHI, Jenny

ISBN 978-1-922957-55-9

A Simple Melody

Goes a long way

Someone wisely wrote that “where words fail, music speaks.” There is much more in music than any of us can ever imagine; and often we take music for granted. In this book, Jenny Chi has carefully brought her readers to an awareness of how music has the potential of positively impacting all of us in our everyday situations.

The title A Simple Melody came from an Irving Berlin popular tune in the fifties (around 1950) sung by Bing and his son, Gary Crosby. The message is that a simple melody can go a long way by its uses and benefits. Here, Jenny shares her personal experience with music, how it has impacted her own life and especially how she utilized it so effectively in various and numerous ways. The book also contains the stories of her friends and family members and what music meant to them and how it enriched their lives.

Up to the point of her departure to be with her Lord Jesus Christ, it had been Jenny’s hope that many will be personally inspired to allow both sacred and secular music to flow into their lives, and boldly explore the myriad benefits as to how music can so wonderfully bless them.

Hill of Grace quality Christian content
Jenny Chi Author Photo

About the Author

Jenny Chi passed away and went into Glory with her beloved Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, on May 15, 2022. She left behind her dear husband, Rev Dr Tony Chi, two sons Jonathan and Jeremy, and their respective wives, Sandra and Stephanie, and five lovely grandchildren, Michael, Lauryn, Lucie, Christoppher, and Norah. Jenny was born on June 16, 1941 in Melacca, Malaysia, and she grew up with six siblings. She was a secondary school teacher by training, but stopped her teaching career in 1968, when she went to Evanston, Illinois, USA to be with Tony who had enrolled as a graduate student at Northwestern University.

Tony completed his Master of Arts Degree and Doctor of Philosophy (Comparative Religions) Degree by way of a joint graduate study degree program between Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary and Northwestern University in 1973. While Tony studied, Jenny worked full time at the administration department of the United Methodist Board of Pensions. In their five years there, Jenny earned enough money to help pay for Tony’s tuition fees. Thus all her USA friends declared that Jenny had earned her “PHT” degree (putting hubby through).

Jenny lived an extraordinary life. She shared more than 60 years of church ministry together with Tony. Jenny gave unfailing support and encouragement to Tony as the untiring, self-giving Pastor’s wife, and also as a devoted mother and a much loved grandmother to her five grandchildren. On top of all these, she believed she had a God ordained ministry of her own. In answering God’s call to ministry, she started Sunday schools, set up youth ministry programs, organised choirs, initiated ladies’ meetings, prayer groups, and floral arranging classes. She also did a lot of home visitation, and conducted worship services in many of the church’s agedcare homes and centres.

She left a legacy which will never be forgotten by all who knew her. Jenny had an unfathomable love for people – any and every person in need. She loved being in service for others and gave herself completely to anyone who might undergo distress, discomfort, or any sojourner who might be spiritually lost, weary, or heavy laden with personal problems.

Someone wrote that Jenny had taught him the true meaning of love in Christ by her generosity, hospitality, and selfless giving of care to countless others. “I’m a better person for having known her.” Jenny’s extraordinary life is best summed up by another’s testimony of her: “Jenny, you are an amazingly lovely person, and the closest thing to an ANGEL Of GOD on earth.”

A timely quotation says: “IN JESUS, THERE IS NO LOSS.” God, in His Wisdom gave Jenny to live among us through decades of selfless giving ministry. In 2022, after over sixty years of total giving of herself in the service of God, Jenny found her place among God’s angels, and heard Him declare: “well done, good and faithful servant, enter now into the joy of thy Lord” (Matthew 25:21 KJV). Jenny, truly it can be said of you: You have fought the good fight, you have finished the race, you have kept the faith (2 Timothy 4: 7). 

BRUCE, Relly

ISBN 978-1-922803-65-8

Rude Boy

Based on true events

“Don’t waste time looking back, that’s not the direction you’re going anyway.”

Utter Nonsense, consisting of 7 members, was formed in 1980 and played gigs around Melbourne until they released their first EP in 1983, before touring the country.

After the release of “Changes Must Be Made”, they became a household name and were featured on several variety television programs nationwide before disappearing.

Mitchell Truce formed a Ska band with his high school friends and chose to drop out of school and follow his dreams. Starting in grungy, underground venues and pubs, Utter Nonsense was fast known as the ‘all- inclusive’ fun, new band with a UK sound. Their loyal fans, the Rude Boys are in danger of becoming overrun by the racist and violent National Front skinheads.

To complicate things even further, Mitch finds out that it is his girlfriend’s brother who is heading the local Nazi regime and causing most of the trouble at their gigs. The band tour the country focusing on their music and climbing the charts all the while facing the highs and lows of friendship, success, fame, and brotherhood.

Within 24 hours of celebrating an international tour opportunity, tragedy strikes the band, and all their dreams are left blowing in the wind.

ISBN 978-1-923156-02-9

Violet is Blue

Love that changes everything

In 1942, at age 16, Violet Middleton falls in love with an older man and in turn falls pregnant. Violet never disclosed to her parents who the baby’s father was and they are devestated that their squeaky-clean reputation in the small town they reside in will be tarnished forever so Violet is sent to a maternity home in Sydney where she is forced to give up her baby.

Violet spends the remainder of her years hurdling tragic events in search for her daughter. Violet’s search appears to be at a dead end, until an unlikely visitor shows up during Violet’s last living days and offers to help with the search but what she discovers will leave you questioning every personal relationship you have ever had.

ISBN 978-1-923214-46-0

Bloody Sword

Four modern day Australian scuba divers come across an old rum barrel; they drink from it and find themselves in England, 1818. In hopes to find their way back home they board a tall ship but soon realize they are under the command of “Benito Bloody Sword Bonito” the most blood thirst pirate on the high seas.