ISBN 978-1-922803-67-2

Our Everlasting Thoughts

Poems from the Riverland

Cherlyn Anne McKenzie was born to Keith and Myra Wuttke on 3rd June 1970. She is now residing at Mannum SA, as you can see from the cover of my book with the Murray Princess. Being the youngest of two. I was a workaholic and I didn’t know I was a poet till 1997, I was 27 years old. I’d finally found the perfect guy and the poems started coming out of the woodwork. I had a husband and 3 lovely children. I was absolutely blessed because of my pregnancy problems with them, I’m lucky to have them.

I was bullied many a time during school, and as a result of that, I was starved of education. I didn’t start learning until 1986 at College, then I started learning with mature-age students.

I finally refrained from guys coz they treated me so badly, you will see this in the poems I’ve written.

I’ve finally found after all this time someone to support me with my poems.

CARSS, Sherril

ISBN 978-1-922722-62-1

Love Me. Love Me Mine

Poems from the Heart

My book “Love Me Love Me Mine; Poems from the Heart” is a compilation of poems, some have been revised and were taken from “Poems for the day,” my first book, which was dedicated to my Father Joseph William Carss.

This book is dedicated to my eldest daughter, the late and beloved Gwendolyn Leah Owen, who tragically passed on in 2014 due to complications of Addison’s Disease.

It has been a very sad time for my family and me, some of my poems will attest to that, but thankfully not all.

Thank you for reading my poems and sharing my experience, for it truly makes it all worthwhile. I pray you’ll be thoroughly, blessed, and I feel sure that many of you will be able to identify with my poems, and where I’m coming from.

About the Author

My name is Sherril Carss, I was born in Melbourne, Australia, the daughter of Mr.& Mrs. Joseph W. Carss, my dad was a Staff Sergeant in the Australian Amy, and a truly wonderful dad. He was unfortunately diagnosed with Schizophrenia and passed on in 1959, when I was just five, bringing deep grief to my mother, Mavis E. Carss and my elder sister Beverley and myself. Losing my dad, at such a young age has had a profound effect on my life, and it’s by the Grace of God, that I’ve survived to tell the tale.

I was bought up to attend Sunday School at St John’s Church of England. My mother had converted to Protestantism and so her Spiritual journey began. Mum was grieving deeply but courageously brought us up alone. I attended Tooronga Road State School in my primary years, and then went to Malvern Girls’ High School. My first job was at A.M.I.

I married young and had three beautiful daughters. The first one was the late Gwendolyn Leah whom I mentioned earlier, and then there were her  sisters Terasa Jo and Jodie Louise. Due to difficult circumstances, my marriages didn’t survive, but through them. I have been blessed with five grandchildren, who are all grown up now, the first one, and the only girl, is Jennifer; then Alexander, William, Daniel and Edward, all of whom are very much loved, and I’m very proud of them.

This is just a small snippet of where I bring my poetry from, as time and space won’t permit any further commentary, apart from becoming “Born Again” in 1983, with grateful thanks to God, working through the Mackay Baptist Church, for their loving and timely help, at a time, when I was a young mother going though great personal turmoil, unsupported and alone, and “On the Edge Gods people,“ The Baptist People helped pull us to safety, for which we will be eternally, Thankful.


ISBN 978-1-922337-50-4

The Little Book of Rambling Rhymes: A Feast of Aussie Poems

Written in a simple fashion, these poems are really stories created through rhyme; some of which are intentionally absurd and reflect an Australian sense of humour. Some of the poetry has an exaggerated theme on the process of advanced ageing, about which the author has some experience. Others contain an element of sadness or truth which are left to the reader to ponder upon and reminisce about their own experiences in this unique land, which inspired those wonderful works of Henry Lawson, Andrew (Banjo) Patterson, Dorothea Mackellar and others.

About the Author


Fred Hewison is a retired Survey Draughtsman, who was employed by the Sydney Water Board for a period of thirty-eight years.

He was born in the Sydney suburb (now a city) of Hurstville and remained living there for fifty-five years, before he and his wife, Margaret, moved to the seaside town of Copacabana, near Gosford on the New South Wales, Central Coast.

In 1996 they moved with their beautiful dog to the present location of Banora Point; a suburb of Tweed Heads, near the Queensland border.

They have no family, but enjoy the lifestyle and climate of the area in which they live.

 Fred has a passion for writing; one of which is a published autobiography of his early years when growing up, titled “Crossed my Mind.”

He also is a competent landscape artist; a hobby in which he has indulged over many years.

Poetry is a relatively newfound pleasure.

BREEN, Barry

ISBN 978-1-922452-48-1

By the Beacon Steps

In 1974 Barry bought a house in the centre of Port Campbell, while he was teaching at Camperdown. This collection is a celebration of the beauty and uniqueness of Port Campbell and the surrounding country. Barry Breen has won awards for poetry, short stories and acting and has published widely in Australia and overseas. He has also appeared in and written for the highly popular Ozact productions of The Tempest at Loch Ard Gorge.


ISBN 978-1-922722-53-9

Haiku Poetry and Art Book

With your support A GOOD LIFE will continue to grow.

Bringing people together to build a community where everyone feels like they belong, promoting a community that shows kindness and respect through arts and culture, coffee and chats, the simple things in life.

About the Project

This Haiku poetry book is a collaborative project that has brought many people together to explore

“What is a good life for people over the age of 50?”

With the support from Office of Ageing Well SA Health, The Australian Centre for Social Innovations, Hutt St Centre, and Vintage Creative Therapies, we are fortunate A Good Life has become a place that brings people together, encouraging kindness and creating a space where older people feel they belong.

Community projects such as The Good Life Project wouldn’t be able to get off the ground without volunteers, our wonderful Theatre buddies Kay, Karolina, Meredith, Yimin and Alyce are fundamental to the project’s success. A special thanks to Alyce and Yimin for bringing an intergenerational aspect to the project, young people bring new mindsets and knowledge having great energy for a good life.


About the Hutt St Centre

Hutt St Centre is a place of connection and support, where people facing homelessness are empowered to rebuild their lives, rediscover their identities and reconnect with those who love them.

We walk alongside people on their journey toward homefulness—a word we use to describe the feeling of safety, control and confidence that comes with having a place to call home.

When people walk through our doors we help fulfil their immediate needs, like a shower, a meal, and a charged phone, while our 20+ visiting services provide support ranging from medical check-ups to financial counselling.

And with a focus on the future, we connect people with housing, education and employment opportunities to build the skills and confidence to change their circumstances for good.



ISBN 978-1-922337-03-0

Over the Rainbow

Reflections of Love to Overcome Grief

I hope these words of gratitude and love heal you and my loss helps you.

All babies live on in our hearts and it is your choice to remember them with happiness. There is a place of peace and they are there waiting for you. It is not goodbye, you will feel them again when it is your time to go to the light. Remember them with a smile, not with sadness. You shared your life with them, feel blessed everyday having known them when they were here on Earth.

For all those who have lost fur or human babies, I understand your loss. Know your heart grows the more you love. When you are ready you will heal, smile and love again. x

ISBN 978-1-92452-51-1


A Gift for Humanity

ONE explains food, our bodies, health, emotions, colours, your soul, Earth & our energy connection to all, most importantly messages from the greater consciousness to help humanity.

Using food as the conductor and our body as the reactive, Ilka has energetically proven that living energy is aware and shares a live consciousness with us, physical proof that positive and negative energy can be exchanged and transferred to and from different objects and places. Why everything people speak, do, think, use, apply and feel makes a worldwide effect on the planet. Why is this breakthrough important? Because it is proof we can change the world we live in for the positive by bringing light love and peace to our lives and to all living energy. Read this and know

YOU are the person who can make a difference to the Earth!

Consciousness exists with everything living. This is your new love and compassion Bible. We can change the world loving and nurturing it back to life. We are all connected we are ONE.

It all starts with an apple…



About the Author

Information to come.

Ilka Patten signature