ISBN 978-1-922629-20-3

Kampong Boy

Flavour is my hometown

Savour the flavour of Singapore in the comfort of your home!

Chef and restauranteur Sashi Cheliah goes back deep into his childhood, sharing recipes he enjoyed having as a kid in Singapore. This cookbook is packed with classic dishes that you will enjoy cooking with your loved ones.

“Food is about sharing and spending time together, you don’t have to spend a lot of money or time to enjoy deliciously cooked meals and bond at dinner time.”

Sashi Cheliah flowers Author Photo
Sashi Cheliah at a table Author Photo
Sashi Cheliah in action Author Photo

About the Author

When I was growing up as a kampong kid in Hillview Estate in Singapore, life was tough. I was the eldest of seven children, and my family lived in a small apartment. We could not afford many facilities or luxuries. My parents were not well educated and had to slog for long hours to provide the basic amenities for me and my siblings. They struggled to make ends meet, and had no choice but to leave me and three of my siblings to be cared for by our aunts; the other siblings were cared for by our grandmother.

My aunts were not married at that time, and only knew how to shower us with their love by cooking our favourite food. Even though I was only a toddler, I can remember that my aunties would work a night shift and then come back home to prepare lunch for us, even though they were tired. I was always clinging on to them and watching them cook. I think that’s when I started to love food, and since then I have always experimented with cooking. My aunties didn’t know how to teach us academically, but they shared their cooking knowledge with us.

Years passed and I became a young teenager. My mum had a café and I was spending a lot of time helping her out after school. Don’t get too excited – I was not allowed to be in the kitchen. I only served customers their orders, as my mum was worried that I would end up as a cook rather than getting a white collared job. She wanted us to excel in life and always reminded us that life is not a bed of roses.

Then I started to spend less time with family and lots more with the wrong company, and began to miss school. At that time, I was lucky to have great teachers at Swiss Cottage Secondary School. Hubert Yohannan was my history teacher, and he saw the drastic changes in me. He introduced me to the outdoor club and activities such as rock climbing and camping kept me busy in a good way, and eventually led me to join the Police Force.

When I was 18, I was also lucky enough to meet my other half, Rabicca Vijayan. We met at a barbeque and it was love at first sight. My camping skills played a vital role, but I absolutely swept her off her feet with my BBQ chicken wings – I have to thank my classmate Justin for his recipe!

I was never academically smart and did not continue my studies. I became lost in life and forgot all about my passion for cooking. Then it was time for me to complete my National Service, which was compulsory for all males in Singapore. I was adamant that I wanted to join the Army to be a commando, but my dreams were shattered when I was enlisted in the Police Force. Rabicca and my family were very supportive and encouraging about my joining the Police Force, and it turned out that I loved it. After working in the riot squad, I became part of the Special Tactics and Rescue Unit (STAR) team. That was one of the best moments in my life, as this was a very prestigious and highly regarded job in Singapore. Only a handful of police officers are able to get this job, and I was one of them.

Life sailed along smoothly for a decade till my sweetheart, who was my wife by then, wanted to migrate to Australia as she liked the lifestyle there. I was not in favour at all, but for my family’s sake I was willing to give up my job and start afresh.

We came to Australia in 2012 and I was unemployed for three months. I picked up cooking again as I was bored and had started missing my hometown food. And because eating out was expensive, I cooked almost every day and my passion was rekindled. Even after getting a job in the Department for Correctional Services, I made it a point to cook for my family because my kids enjoyed my cooking.

Our circle of friends widened and we had more gatherings. Many praised my cooking and my wife encouraged me to apply for Masterchef. It took me three years to believe in myself, and I finally did apply in 2017 – the rest is history.

Now I am taking a very exciting next step in my life, as I bring a new angle to my passion for food and cooking, with a focus on the food of my ancestral home.

WALDOCK, Neil & Alistair Sutton

ISBN 978-1-922890-08-5

After you Came

Stuart Kingston had enough of tripping over dead bodies during 1987… unfortunately 1988 doesn’t look like being any different.

As Bicentennial celebrations begin in Sydney, David Wyatt, a young gay man, is found murdered in an alleyway in Darlinghurst. With few leads, Inspector Carrington enlists Stuart to escort his constable undercover at Touchstone sauna, the last place that David was seen alive. Can Carrington catch the killer before more men are murdered? And can Stuart stop thinking about his former lover, the hunky carpenter Dexter, for long enough to be of any help?

In this sequel to The Day Before You Came, all the much-loved characters return, including Stuart’s mother Miriam, who has a new career on daytime TV, and his theatre friend, Winston, who meets a mysterious stranger.

So, strap in for another camp ride through the Eastern Suburbs, where anyone can be a murderer, and no-one is quite as they seem.


ISBN 978-1-922629-21-0

The Passage of Conquest

During an evening, promising adventure aboard a galleon, eighteen-year-old Giselle is marooned on a tropical island.

As she begins to uncover remnants of an ancient civilisation, she learns that she has travelled to a parallel world and that the island was veiled four hundred years ago to prevent an ancient evil from escaping.

As the mystery of the islands history unfolds, Giselle is drawn into a desperate quest for a key that will enable safe passage home aboard the galleon, before it is used to unleash death and destruction throughout time and space.

todd kuchel author

About the Author

Having admired works of time travel and parallel worlds since a young age, T. D. Kuchel brilliantly captures the essence of reality with his fictional tales. Though, also partial to drama and a worthy love story, his tales flicker with romance and suspense.

A keen traveller, T. D. Kuchel longs for adventure and strives to write first-hand of locations around the globe. The plot for his debut novel, The Passage of Conquest, was conceived whilst sailing the Whitsunday Islands.

Between exploits, he resides in The Barossa Valley, where he enjoys quality time with his family, the local splendour of food and wine and writing in his home library.

To contact or learn more, visit


Magnetic prose, dripping with intrigue, that catapults you head-first into the turbulent depths of Kuchel’s spellbinding narrative and leaves you gasping for air in all the best ways.

Emily Waller

An addictive, irresistible adventure that keeps you guessing right ‘til the end, filled with refreshing authentic characters and an engaging female protagonist. This book is the definition of a page-turner.

Jessica Atkins


ISBN 978-1-922527-45-5 PAPERBACK

Who is Bill Jackson?

A historical Australian fiction.

A young woman sets out to write something about her family history.

She wants to start with the story of her late Grandfather, but her Italian Grandmother persuades her to research the origins of his German Father first.

This leads her in unexpected directions as a misty person she hardly knew existed becomes real and fills the stage. While events of the 1900s era of Australian history, quite new to her, open up.

About the Author

Growing up in outer suburban Melbourne, (Australia), Kelvin Smibert finished schooling with an interest in the sciences. Worked for a large manufacturing chemist while studying Chemistry at night at RMIT.  He spent 4 years of Wartime in the Navy, mostly as a Naval Beach Commando.

Returning to workplace politics was difficult. He enrolled at Melbourne University to do Electrical Engineering…But the urge to ‘Escape to the country’ was too strong. After 2 years he took up a Soldier Settlement block. During the 35 years there, he and his wife Nora spent a total of about 18 months spread over 5 years, 1973-1978, living in Iran. For which country they retain great affection. On one occasion flying from Australia to Tehran with a load of cattle.

‘Retired’ to Mount Gambier, South Australia in 1988. Nora continued with volunteer work and sport. While Kelvin formalised his Art hobby with a Certificate of Art. Which led to years of making 3D replicas of ancient Aboriginal ‘Rock Art’. The largest piece now in a New Delhi museum. Concurrently, he built a factory to make quality artists paper for local and export markets.

Both these projects led to travel, study and symposia in Europe and India.

Many years on the committee or board of various local organisations. Writing is a therapeutic old- age occupation.

The couple have five children and many Grand, and G-Grandchildren.


SHEN, Jessie

ISBN 978-1-922337-28-3

Book About Basics Everything and Love

This book is dedicated to all life on Earth and from different galaxies.

Dedicated to all less fortunate beings.

All those who come to this planet, and those who love life and stars.

It is dedicated to my great-grandfather, a rebel young member of Royal Family in the Ching Dynasty who used the Canton Diplomatic Trading Factories to support the revolution against the Ching government.

It is dedicated to my family who supported and funded an orphanage school in Hong Kong and the Alliance of China during 19-20th century.

WHEELER, Correna

ISBN 978-1-922803-95-5

Moving to a New School

Created for Defence Families and Children

Hello and Welcome to Your New School!

Are you a Defence student moving or posting to a new city, and do you get worried and upset because you don’t know what your new school will be like?

This book is a great navigational tool and has been creatively designed to support the Defence family and child through the New School experience.