ISBN 978-1-923265-83-7
ISBN 978-1-923333-56-7
ISBN 978-1-923386-10-5
Beyond The Bullsh*t
A No-nonsense Guide To Business Valuations
Brett Goodyer is an expert in valuing businesses who wants to remove the gatekeeping bullshit that seeks to shroud valuations in mystery.
Beyond the Bullsh*t provides a simplified, evidence-based approach and simplified theory, that can be applied to most small to medium businesses. It provides you with the insights that you need to help your clients maximise their valuation, giving you the ability to off er tangible advice that add value.
Valuing businesses doesn’t have to be difficult, even though some concepts can be tricky. Brett’s straightforward approach helps you quickly grasp the basics. After reading and comprehending this book, you’ll be able to understand the concepts of appraising most small to medium businesses worldwide. Making a complex subject, simple…

About the Author
Brett Goodyer is an award-winning business valuation and value improvement expert who has provided expert evidence in just about every court jurisdiction in Australia. Having valued and assisted thousands of businesses, he uses his considerable skillset to provide strategic advice to clients for buy-side and sellside transactions, to ensure optimum entity structuring, tailored value advice and risk-based business assessments across a wide range of industries.
Brett currently leads a team that has designed and developed business valuation software for accountants, advisers, and business brokers in small to medium enterprises. The software is already in use in Australia and New Zealand and is due for release in various overseas markets in the immediate future. He is passionate about communicating with anyone who will listen about the power of data and the insights that are hidden just below the surface, if only we learn how and where to look.
Brett lives in Australia with his wife, Amanda, and their four amazing children.