SCOVELL, William

ISBN 978-1-923214-12-5

The Thing That Takes Away

After an event that changed his life forever, Jamie and his friends must unite against a mulitversal threat that they do not understand where the odds of survival are minimal.

People with strange powers manipulate space and time, tempting promises of a better world.

Will Jamie discover who he can trust, or, will everything in existence disappear?

ISBN 978-1-922722-92-8

Sally’s Voice

Sally has a lot of trust issues and always believes everyone is against her.

Either trying to make friends or attempting to find a soul mate, Sally will find anything to sabotage the situation.

Is Sally an unreliable narrator? Or is she just like the rest of us, overthinking every minute detail? Coupled with the voices in her head, Sally tries her hardest to find peace in her life.

GRAHAM, Anthony

ISBN 978-1-922722-87-4

Reflections of Tiny Victories


A droll memoir of an eventful life.
The author left school aged 14 to pursue a career as a professional square dance caller. Somehow, he found his way back to school and later university. He was diverted and became a jazz club promoter for a few years.

After finally completing his law degree he practised at the bar for nearly 40 years as a barrister and QC and spent 11 years as a judge
of the Family Court of Australia. Subsequently he was appointed a Professorial Fellow at Charles Darwin University and an acting judge of the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory.

Together with an old friend the author returned to the music business when aged 60. The Rocker and the Jazzer have written over 50 songs
and their albums are available to stream. Four of their songs have been recorded in Nashville and they have also been covered by German and Dutch bands.

This is not the author’s first excursion into print. He has written two textbooks, internationally circulated articles and two published novels, JERRY O and MONKEY MAN are available in print or as EBooks.

He is presently working on a new novel, when not playing tennis or writing songs.

About the Author

The author has practised as a barrister, QC, judge and Law Professor over a career spanning 50 years. He is also a musician and songwriter. He is the Jazzer in the Rocker & Jazzer band that has recorded a number of albums and he has co-written numerous songs that have been covered in the USA and Europe. He has written a number of published text books and his fiction, REFLECTIONS OF TINY VICTORIES, JERRY O and MONKEY MAN are available in print or as EBooks.



ISBN 978-1-922629-79-1

Stories of Palastoke

The Magical Academy of Steltaria

In the country of Palastoke, where magic is utilised daily and people prosper, all aspiring wizards and witches begin their learning in the years of their thirteenth birthdays.

Astrid Mesteela is another one of these aspiring witches, eager to learn magic and prove herself in magical combat at Steltaria Junior Academy. It could not be more exciting – many new friends to make, many spells to learn, and many ways to begin her dreams of acquiring fame. Life goes as planned, but when an expensive merchant organisation arrives at the academy for business, it turns out to be related to something more sinister…

About the Author

Chris Goranitis is a university student currently studying business. He has always been intrigued by many fantasy worlds, but there has always been one specific type of world in his imagination that he has been unable to find. This has inspired him to create the universe he has been searching for, taking inspiration from many other stories.


ISBN 978-1-922527-93-6

Nana’s Trip at the Beach

Going to the beach can be a simple everyday outing for many families. Sometimes ‘though, life has unexpected surprises.

This is the story that would not usually be put on social media, but is closer to the truth for some families, especially those with active, adventurous children.

ISBN 978-1-922803-29-0

My Brother is Special. I am Special Too

Many families with one child with special needs have other children. It is important for these children, who often need to wait and grow up a bit faster whilst a parent attends to the child with special needs, to know that they are special too.

About the Author

Terry has had over 30 years of reading many children’s stories to children and having adventures with many children and families. This is the first book of the adventures of two very special children and their family.

This was written for them and the first pictures were drawn for the family by Terry’s ten-year-old daughter Carla.

As the family showed it to a number of people who enjoyed it, Terry and Carla decided to share the story “Nana’s Trip at the Beach” with you.



ISBN 978-1-922629-82-1

A Tattered Weed

A Tattered weed explores the psychological impact of war on young minds and the need to establish an identity when everything seems unreal.

Reese was a young man with the world at his feet when he was drafted to fight in Vietnam, a conflict that was so controversial he was not fully convinced it was a just battle. He and best friend, Chris did their tour of duty, with Reese being injured and spending months in hospital after being shipped home. He suffers from nightmares and flashbacks but is working towards resuming his normal life when everything is changed in an instant. He takes his Harley out with dire results that will change his life, and his outlook, forever.

He struggles to accept that anyone would want to be close to him and rejects the person he loves most, Brooke, because he sees himself as unlovable.

He finds solace in his guitar and in his writing but life has a way of throwing him into situations with which he is too broken to be able to successfully deal. He forms a band with Chris and finds a small amount of success but life takes another turn when he meets, and later marries, the frigid Alicia. Th e consequences of this union provide yet another watershed in his life.