ISBN 978-9-23214-2-62

The Life Story of a Jolly Roger

From War to Pandemic

A life worth living

Embark on a journey through the vivid memories of Ian Roger’s life, from the poignant pre-war era to his life changing settlement in Australia. The Life Story of a Jolly Roger – from War to Pandemic weaves the threads of family, friendship and the unforgettable moments in the life of a man whose existence has been anything but ordinary.

Discover the resilience and warmth that defined Ian’s early years, the challenges and triumphs that shaped his character and the adventurous spirit that led him across the world to call Australia home. Through laughter, tears, from many experiences, this book captures the spirit of a life fully lived.

McBRYDE, Fiona

ISBN 978-1-923214-71-2

F*ck the Lesson

My wild ride to motherhood and all the obstacles in between

A raw and honest memoir of one woman’s journey to becoming a mother; faced with a series of traumatic events riddled with zesty personality and a brutal sense of humour. With the aim to bring awareness to the depths of physical and psychological warfare that exists in motherhood, the book is not only for mothers or those who have suffered significant loss, but also for the partners, the friends and the family to see through an unfiltered lens.

RYAN, Michael

ISBN 978-1-923214-09-5

Minutes to Memories

In 1963, two Australian families of Irish heritage, Ryan and McNamara, were united through a wedding held in Ivanhoe, Victoria.

Minutes to Memories traces the ancestry of both families, dating back to the 1850s when they emigrated from Ireland.

The author provides a conversational account of his grandparents, parents, and siblings, and also shares his major passions with tales of the characters who have made these passions so special. The book is filled with engaging stories that offer amusing reflections for its numerous characters, in addition to recording important family history.

Minutes to Memories is the author’s gift to his family, providing anecdotes to help future generations understand the personalities that preceded them. It’s a record of who they are, so that in future years they will remain more than just a statistic in ancestry records.

Sergeant Mick

ISBN 978-1-923156-18-0

From the P’lice!

To fight the good fight for truth and justice

It’s the mid-80s and Mick realizes it’s time to take a stand: to make a difference.

But instead, he becomes a police officer… This is the story about what happens when one man, young and fearless, brave and determined, smart and resourceful, realizes none of these things matter when you’re knee-deep in drunks, trudging through insect-infested bush, or stuck in the in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, busting for a pee.

From the P’lice! recounts Mick’s journey from shiny recruit to jaded detective, and the many escapades he gets caught up in, as he strives valiantly to fulfil his pledge of causing Her Majesty’s peace to be preserved without favour or affection, malice or ill-will. Albeit with a few shenanigans along the way.


ISBN 978-1-923088-15-3

Miles Away

A Memoir

Including inside story of Eaglereach Wilderness Resort

Paul Miley was born in Albury and was a war baby. He was exposed to other cultures through the Columbo Plan at his school and the newly arrived post war migrants especially those working on the Snowy Mountains Scheme. His first international adventure was to the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 and then onto North America as a landed immigrant in Canada.

On returning to Australia he moved to Queensland and had the great fortune to secure a position with Qantas Airways which gave him a wide range of opportunities to travel by air internationally and receive a crash course in marketing which would become his other love.

After several executive positions in the tourism industry including at Gold Coast Tourism he spent a decade in various positions at Fairfax Media including at the Australian Financial Review, the Sun and Sun Herald. This commercial background was essential for the development and management of one of the first eco-tourism resorts in Australia. The multi award winning Eaglereach Wilderness Resort in the Hunter region of NSW.

RAMSAY, Gordon

ISBN 978-1-923088-00-9

Gordon’s Nuggets

The Principals of War and How they Help in Love, Life & Work

This is a book people might read because it relates time-honoured and field-tested values and principles to the trials and challenges of everyday life; just as importantly, it speaks the lessons of those principles in the kind of voice of a man who has taught them and tested them in military life and then over long years employed them in his life and in his successful practice as a management consultant. Here are values you can trust interpreted by a human you can trust. You’d read this for its hard-won wisdom and it’s author’s gentle humanity and long life’s experience. This is a rainy afternoon by a fire; this is not a lecture or a call to arms. This is NOT the other Gordan Ramsay. But it is a kind of cook book – for life, not for the kitchen.