CREDIT- This book cover was largely conceived, art-directed, designed, commissioned or illustrated by the author.

ISBN 978-1-922337-87-0

Scaling New Heights


You have grown one or more businesses to a critical mass.

You are turning over several million dollars and hired five or more people.

You are working too hard and would like to redefine your role in the business.

Your business growth has stagnated or not growing as quickly as you would prefer.

You have the energy and motivation to Scale New Heights

Your motivations can include:
► scale a business to grow or,
► the desire to own a bigger business or,
► a plan to exit after Scaling New Heights.

My hope is that you find this collection of vignettes and expert opinions to be useful and that your business Scales New Heights.


ISBN 978-0-9876426-7-7

Own Your BS

Why is it that, even though there are thousands of Self-Help books available to help women develop confidence in themselves and their dreams, women are more stuck in Negative Head Talk than ever before?

Because most Self-Help books are written with a logical, male point of view in mind. Own Your BS: The No-Nonsense guide to addressing your Female Head Talk explores the differences between men and women and, without the fluff and rah-rah of ‘just visualise’ and ‘think positive’, provides readers with practical and powerful strategies and tools to get a grip on stories
like “I’m not good enough”, “I’ll fail”, “she is better than me” and “I should….” by understanding what drives these stories in the first place.

Complete with downloadable templates, Own Your BS will give you not just the insight, but the strategies to take back your Personal Power and rephrase the Head Talk to serve you and influence your success.

“Bree dives in where many good women fear to tred … the fact that men and women are wired differently in their brains, which produces different thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. And most, not ALL, of the me, women try to fit themselves into the generic human mould, which, is the default masculine mode. I found this book to be an excellent HANDS-ON approach for women, rather than just background theory.
And gotta love the title! Such quintessennal Aussie terminology!”

– Marlowe Aster, PhD

“This book is extremely eye-opening into how the female brain works. I literally used Bree’s advice today during a panic attack and it helped
straight away. Highly recommend this book to any female who wants to take back their power and be the best version of themselves”

– A.C.

ROSS, Lena

ISBN 978-1-922337-93-1

ISBN 978-1-922337-42-9

Change Management

What you will discover in this book:
How to:
• Gain relevant experience in non-change roles
• Prepare a change plan and create change artefacts
• Identify success measures for your change initiative
• Stay ahead of the curve and future-proof your change management capabilities

Along with valuable information on:
• The core capabilities that recruiters and employers look for
• Numerous practical tables that you can adapt and use straight away
• What the future of change management looks like
• The role of psychological safety in an agile environment
• Agile change delivery and activity
• How change management theory and models translate to real practice

“This is the bible of change management. Forward thinking and long overdue!”

About the Author

Lena Ross is an experienced change consultant with a reputation for valuable content creation with fresh insights. Since establishing her consulting practice, #changehacks in 2016, Lena has been invited to share her expertise via numerous channels on the future of change management and emerging capabilities.

She has consulted to and coached clients across industries and geographies including Silicon Valley.

As co-founder of the Agile Change Leadership Institute, her experience is complemented by her Master of Business Administration (MBA) qualifi cation, and she is able to apply sound academic and business discipline to the development of practical and innovative solutions. Lena’s first book Hacking for Agile Change was released in July 2017.

DREW, Gillian

ISBN 978-0-6486785-9-5

GPS: Your Guide to Navigating Change

Get help with:

  • Where to start with change and how to get a handle on what’s just happened.
  • Knowing when to take action and when to step back and allow life to unfold.
  • The steps you can take to understand change and work with it, instead of against it.
  • Tips on what you can do to influence change in your world.

Any life change is a journey. There’s a starting point when your world begins to change, an end point when you think you’ve made it through, and a pathway between the two. That pathway can have twists and turns, roundabouts, and hairpin bends, or it can be a direct line from start to end.

The GPS consists of three key tools to help you on this journey:

  1. A compass,
  2. A road map, and
  3. A travel guide.

The GPS as a whole gives you a systemised way to proceed through life’s challenging, confusing, and overwhelming moments. It isn’t the crystal ball you’d sometimes like to have in times of change, but its structure will give you reassurance when everything else seems out of control.

Using the road map, compass, and travel guide, you’ll come to approach change (and life!) from a completely different perspective. Change is usually uncomfortable, it can even be a little (or a lot) scary, but with the GPS you have a strategy that keeps you on track, and in tune with where you’re at along the way.


About the Author

Author, kinesiologist, workshop facilitator

Gillian has first-hand experience in navigating stress and change.  Burnout from a corporate career led her to change life direction to one more supportive of self; and now she helps others do the same! 

Creating personal change takes a combination of logic and strategy, soul searching and insight.  Gillian’s broad experience enables her to bring those skills together to guide others through stress and change and towards happier results.

Gillian is a country-girl at heart, and is on a personal mission to create change by reducing the use of single-use plastic!


ISBN 978-0-6486616-7-2
ISBN 978-1-922337-23-8

From You to Two

‘How to expand your network and grow your business’

This is your guide to growing your company from you to two and beyond. You’ll learn how to build the right foundation so that your company can easily grow beyond you.

It’s broken down into five parts so you can read one a day and take action immediately.

“At the end of the week, you’ll have the framework to build a company that can operate without you”


About the Author

Author, Founder and Managing Director of Tradie Hustle, Sam Ackland shares his skills in business to elevate tradespeople to their highest cause. 

In 2017, he ditched his sales job and bought a lawn mower. The idea of a Property Maintenance company sparked a fire. Focused energy led onto a great momentum, and now Build Clean has a commercial residence and a team of 29, comprised of technicians and a management team.