ISBN 978-1-922452-52-8

StupIT People

StupIT People is a tongue in cheek exposé of the world of modern big technology business. It’s a world where corporate madness and self-interest rules. One in which clients and employees simply don’t matter, as senior executives (aka company psychopaths) pursue short-term personal profit and internal point-scoring at absolutely any cost.

The story revolves around Michael Mansfield, a loyal and hard-working IT Sales Executive who strives to do the right thing by his company. For Michael, saving stupid people from themselves, navigating the constant back-stabbing within the business, and dealing with corporate political correctness gone mad has become a way of life.

This light-hearted tale of redemption will resonate with anyone who has experienced the sheer head-scratching absurdity that often exists within the modern business bubble.

About the Author

Born and raised in Adelaide, Steve Eatts worked in the field of Information Technology for more than 30 years, in many different roles across both public and private sector organisations. Throughout his career his work has taken him on business assignments in the United Kingdom, USA, India, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines and across all states of Australia.

After a hectic career involving far too much time away from family and friends, Steve decided to step off the corporate treadmill of IT and big business to pursue some other interests including writing his debut novel.  He now describes himself as semi-retired, and is a widower who lives in South Australia with his two sons.