ISBN 978-1-923214-44-6

ISBN  978-1-923214-77-4

Outback Odyssey


A Quest for Change

A troubled family and school life in a big city in the early 1960s leads Brad to crime and imprisonment. However, fate presents him with a lifeline. This exposes him to the rigours of outback life and work, new friendships and close relationships. Serious injury forces him into an indigenous community for several months. His eventual return to the city sees him come to terms with himself and his past.

About the Author

Graham is a retired academic who has written extensively in academic circles, including the completion of a PhD thesis. However, he has always harboured the wish to write creatively and has published two books previously. After a suggestion by a friend and encouragement from fellow writing group members, Graham embarked on the ambitious task of writing a novel.

‘Outback Odyssey’ is the final result of three years work, study, research, rewrites and editing.