LEFT OF CENTRE: Turn your Life Right Around
A simple and manageable self-help programme suitable for all ages.
Do you feel frustrated because your back and neck pain never quite settles down, or relief after treatment is only temporary?
Does it feel as though you have tried everything but nothing seems to work and you have been told to just ‘live with it’?
Are you starting to despair because you are developing other areas of symptoms, like neck, shoulder and elbow pain, in addition to your ongoing back pain?
Based on the author’s personal experience of recurrent back and neck pain and the knowledge gleaned over a 40 year physiotherapy career, this book may well be what you have been searching for. Thinking outside the box, Valentyna has developed a simple and manageable self-help programme, based on 3 basic exercises and modification of our every day habits. Read on…
About the Author
Valentyna always planned to undertake a medical career. However, after learning that physiotherapists work more closely with patients during their rehabilitation, she commenced studies in physiotherapy at the South Australian Institute of Technology, graduating with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Physiotherapy in 1981. Further study at the University of South Australia led to a Master of Applied Science in Physiotherapy (Orthopaedics) in 1991. During this time, Valentyna was strongly influenced by the teachings of David S Butler (theory and research on adverse mechanical tension of the nervous system) and Mark Jones (teachings on clinical reasoning), which ultimately contributed to the formulation of her theory of the Right Functional Scoliosis (RFS).
In addition to her physiotherapy career, Valentyna has performed with the State Opera of South Australia as a chorus member in more than 40 productions, over a period of 24 years. She has also taught singing to adults and children, and more recently has trained in vocal physiotherapy techniques as well as the Estill Voice Training method.
A second edition detailing how the RFS can contribute to vocal, throat or jaw issues, as well as to upper limb (shoulder and elbow pain) and lower limb (hip, knee and heel pain) conditions is already in the planning.