ISBN 978-1-923088-00-9

Gordon’s Nuggets

The Principals of War and How they Help in Love, Life & Work

This is a book people might read because it relates time-honoured and field-tested values and principles to the trials and challenges of everyday life; just as importantly, it speaks the lessons of those principles in the kind of voice of a man who has taught them and tested them in military life and then over long years employed them in his life and in his successful practice as a management consultant. Here are values you can trust interpreted by a human you can trust. You’d read this for its hard-won wisdom and it’s author’s gentle humanity and long life’s experience. This is a rainy afternoon by a fire; this is not a lecture or a call to arms. This is NOT the other Gordan Ramsay. But it is a kind of cook book – for life, not for the kitchen.