ISBN 9781922629562

Adventures Through Covid


Parris Fotias has just flown home from a work trip through India. Eleven days later, COVID-19 is officially declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation. Soon after, the Australian Government closes its international border under Biosecurity Act 2015, essentially banning all Australians from travelling overseas.

Adventures Through COVID is a story of survival, reinvention and self-reflection. It is a personal odyssey that chronicles the frustrations of living through a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic.

From the Author

The irony is, I have always wanted to publish a book, yet on this occasion, it was never my motivation.

Returning to Australia from India on February 29th, 2020, little did I realise that this would be (as of writing) my last trip abroad. 

Throughout the month of March, as the severity of COVID-19 began to sink in, I felt compelled to reach out to as many of our clients and partners as possible, just to check in on their wellbeing.

So I started emailing them and by April 08th, 2020, these had somehow morphed into the Dear Diary series that you see today.

I initially had concerns that I would simply be an unwelcomed addition to their Inbox but was genuinely overwhelmed by the number of phone calls, emails and messages I received in reply.

Some just wanted to chat, some shared with me their own stories, while others just wanted to thank me for reaching out.

Yet I should have been thanking them, for their inspiration allowed me to relive adventures I had not thought about for years.

Travel is indeed a privilege and one that should never be taken for granted.

Parris Fotias
