ISBN 978-1-923088-39-9

Lily Longnose

Finds a home

A greyhound puppy is imprisoned by the racing industry. She dreams of having a safe home and a family. After losing every race, her future becomes unclear.

Fortunately, she soon discovers kindness and love, and before long she meets her forever family. She is even given a new name!

Emily Norman author photo

About the Author

First-time author, Emily, is a creative and passionate dog mum, who advocates to end greyhound racing. Emily lives in Perth, Western Australia, with her husband, Jakeb. Her weekends involve taking Lily down to the local markets, sewing new outfits or relaxing in her garden with the family. Throughout her career working with children and young people in not-for profit organisations, she has seen the importance of educating and nurturing the next generation. Emily hopes that Lily’s book will play a role in changing public opinion and educating the next generation about the cruelties faced by greyhounds.