ISBN 978-1-922890-97-9


The disciple making path


The disciple making path is influenced by three directional moves:

  1. Move from disconnect to connect: Share to Win — Then Connect
  2. Move from informing to preparing: Build to Move
  3. Move from accumulating to sending: Train to Send

As we walk along through the increasing features:

  • Increasing oneself, a follower of Christ
  • Increasing spiritually mature disciples for Christ
  • Increasing volunteers for service
  • Increasing seed sowers and harvest workers
  • Increasing leaders and one’s ministry
Hill of Grace quality Christian content

ISBN 978-1-923088-50-4


Jesus’ Story


There is a great hope and belief that this devotional Bible Study Disciple Making Guide will equip church leaders, small groups and/or individuals with a fresh insight for Storytelling Jesus’ Story.

We all love to hear a great story and if speaking God’s Word is the only primary pursuit in sharing our faith in Jesus. One brilliant way of doing this is Storytelling Jesus’ Story, which others a better ending to everybody’s story.

The author’s YouTube video examples are listed in Appendix 2. He hopes you will find the creative inspiration to undertake your own videos as you retell Jesus’ stories, in his glorious name.

Each week the disciple making examples grow, which are listed in Appendix 4. Which ones would Jesus like you to place into your life.

Hill of Grace quality Christian content

About the Author

Phillip Gregory Matthews (B.MIN, GRAD DIP.MIN, M.A.) has been a disciple of Jesus for 38 years. He lives in Perth, Western Australia, and has worked as a horticulturist, arboricultural consultant, pastor, aged-care chaplain, and a Bible study leader. Phillip says this background has given him the skills to cultivate, sow, water, feed and grow not only plants, but also people as they embark on a disciple making path by studying the Bible, disciple making and Jesus’ story.

But something changed when he used The NIV Harmony of the Gospels (published by HarperCollins) to study the life of Christ chronologically: from birth to death, his resurrection and ascension. Because the disciple making path became so clear, Phillip was compelled to walk along it as Jesus did, and to bring as many other people as possible with him. That led to Phillip developing Storytelling Jesus’ Story, a process that he uses to lead study groups. Videos of group sessions have reached many people through online platforms (Facebook and YouTube).


‘I really like the effort you put into this series. You clearly had thought through the problem and actively sought to find solutions. I do agree that there is a need for such a course. Storytelling is a good way to assist with this. I like the way you set it all out. Having an application, prayer, preparation for the following week and the leader’s notes. Really great.’

Vaughan Pirie
Pastor, Kalgoorlie Baptist Church

‘Jesus’ stories were electrifying to his listeners hearts as they encountered the story of God’s love and truth found in Jesus’ life and work. This resource offers an excellent teaching model to again experience the white-hot radiance of Jesus’ life and ministry.’

Neil Anderson

Australian Army Chaplain

‘The Disciple Making Path is like a backpack, a well-constructed frame that efficiently holds together the separate “items” or features needed to increase spiritually mature disciples, workers for service, and leaders in ministry.’

Dr Ross James

Author of Ascent, Crest, Perspective the making of a bamboo

‘Thank you for letting me have a look at your Bible study guide. I like it very much. It seems original to me; it has some very good ideas and exercises throughout and is well-balanced.’

Michael Parsons

Author of How to Read the Bible so that it makes a difference