ISBN – 978-1-922337-65-8

Coming in June



When 18-year-old Harry is just beginning to find his feet after a difficult childhood in post-WWI Adelaide, he experiences heart-rending rejection and runs away to the Australian outback where, as an awkward station hand, he discovers a rare talent for shearing. Success as a gun shearer gives him confidence he’s only dreamed of but also brings with it, the biggest battle of his life. A challenge that needs someone bigger than himself to overcome.
Harry is a fictional narrative based on the true story of a profoundly deaf boy who endures bullying, abandonment and coming of age escapades. Then as a man, he encounters the tough but honest breed of men from the Aussie bush where he discovers success, failure, true friendship and love. Filled with humourous tales of life in the incredible Australian outback, it brings hope to each of us that have ever faced a life impacting-challenge.

About the Author

Julie works as an anaesthetic nurse and facing life and death scenarios often, this has given her insight into the unsung heroes who just do life. So many people’s lives are incredible. Obstacles overcome, dreams realised, good times and laughter, tough times and sadness. We just need to hear their stories. That is Julie’s dream. To tell the world the stories that otherwise, remain hidden. If they could do it, so can we.

Her debut novel Harry takes her father’s captivating outback Australian tales and surrounds them with his inspirational life.

She is passionate about many things. Chocolate, family and breaking down people’s stuffy stereotypes are just a few.

She lives with three adult children and one husband, whose life’s goals are to keep her humble, and three dogs and two cats who are constantly hungry, no matter how much they eat.

A member of the Australian Writers’ Centre and Writers Centre SA, she has completed numerous creative writing courses and hopes to one day be taken seriously as an author.

She is currently working on her second novel.