ISBN 978-1-922452-79-5


The Agile Change Playbook

Over the years, we have experimented, played, failed, adapted in various fashions with our change practice.

Now, we’re sharing all that experience in this playbook.

We’ve especially created this for change and project practitioners looking to adapt their practice to agile ways of working.

It’s jam-packed with the how, what and why of 30 agile change practices, templates and tools for you to use!

Lena Ross Author Self Published Green Hill Publishing

Lena Ross

Jen Frahm Author Self Published Green Hill Publishing

Jen Frahm

About the authors

Jen and Lena are both skilled educators and coaches with backgrounds in learning and development, and academia and are known for being at the frontier of change, agile and learning. They are straight shooters with an empathic approach.

After several successful collaborations they formed the Agile Change Leadership Institute in 2019.