Health & Wellbeing

KANE, Robert

KANE, Robert

Your Mate, Hodgkin’s is a compelling and detailed account of Rob’s journey through cancer. This must-read story weaves together extensive research with the firsthand experience of a chemotherapy patient. It offers valuable guidance to patients, support networks, and practitioners alike, providing essential tools for everybody coping with cancer and other life-altering traumatic events.

LE BAS, James

LE BAS, James

Imagine that you wake overseas one night and think you are in hell. In this darkness you fight oriental demons and dodge laser beams. You are strapped to the bed of a baffling building, tended by people you don’t recognise. Then imagine you are home again, and that you gradually get better on no medication. You take a year off to travel. What would you then think and feel?

WALES, Stephen

WALES, Stephen

“Unbreakable”: On their honeymoon in remote Northern India, Steve and Terri’s lives would be forever changed when their tour vehicle collides with an oncoming bus. “Fork in the Road”: Putting the pieces of lives torn apart back together is a challenge that will test Steve and Terri well beyond the accident that forever changed them.



This is a confronting book which directs help to both women and men, who want to improve their potential to appreciate or fulfil their lives and relationships in the present, to understand how we are unconsciously influenced by the legacy of unresolved fears, negative thoughts, and disappointments from the challenges we have been exposed to in our past.