Health & Wellbeing
KANE, Robert
Your Mate, Hodgkin’s is a compelling and detailed account of Rob’s journey through cancer. This must-read story weaves together extensive research with the firsthand experience of a chemotherapy patient. It offers valuable guidance to patients, support networks, and practitioners alike, providing essential tools for everybody coping with cancer and other life-altering traumatic events.
REITH, Julie
Excerpt: My Loving Right Bible is a new dating book for woman caught in the eternal conflict of looking for Mr. Right. My hope is that each reader will be filled with the inspiration that real love is not just fairytales. You were born to love and be loved right. Be blessed. Wishes do come true.
LE BAS, James
Imagine that you wake overseas one night and think you are in hell. In this darkness you fight oriental demons and dodge laser beams. You are strapped to the bed of a baffling building, tended by people you don’t recognise. Then imagine you are home again, and that you gradually get better on no medication. You take a year off to travel. What would you then think and feel?
Dive into your dream life, make mistakes, and dare to develop yourself as you stagger through the ladder of new human development and expansion.
Yellow Ladybugs
Learn heaps about autistic identity and culture, and discover how to embrace yourself exactly as you are.
McBRYDE, Fiona
An authentic, genuine and eye-opening ride through the journey of starting a family that no one speaks about.
This book is for anyone who wants to live in a place of greater freedom, peace and fulfilment. Living Your Best Life reflects the heart of God for us to live fully as the people we were destined to be.
GILLAN, Kimberley
Kimberley Gillan author of ‘How Low Can You Go? Nutritious meals from $30 per week’. Your guide to buying and eating cheaply. Play the grocery game and win.
PAGLIA, Alexia
Get ready to put on your lab coat and safety goggles as you learn all about how your heart beats, pumps blood, and keeps you healthy. So, come along and join the fun!
In Behind the Tears, Dr Bruce Robinson discusses the different types of suffering that people experience today, how to understand why God allows it, and, most importantly, how to survive it.
These books will help as a guide in waking up to the truth; that you are. A journey of self-discovery in which all that clouds your vision is allowed to pass, enabling you to find the timeless perfection you are.
One phone call, one sudden unexpected tragic event in a distant land. That’s all it took to shatter one man’s world and his close-knit family into a thousand pieces.
Hair loss for a woman can be a devastating blow. A blow to our self-esteem and our very identity.
A profound program for spiritual connection with your heart, The Journey of 100 Hidden Hearts will help you discover your authentic self, and gift you with the tools to transform your life. It is time to find the courage to live a life true to yourself, and not the life others expect of you.
WALES, Stephen
“Unbreakable”: On their honeymoon in remote Northern India, Steve and Terri’s lives would be forever changed when their tour vehicle collides with an oncoming bus. “Fork in the Road”: Putting the pieces of lives torn apart back together is a challenge that will test Steve and Terri well beyond the accident that forever changed them.
This is a confronting book which directs help to both women and men, who want to improve their potential to appreciate or fulfil their lives and relationships in the present, to understand how we are unconsciously influenced by the legacy of unresolved fears, negative thoughts, and disappointments from the challenges we have been exposed to in our past.
SOLOWIJ, Valentyna
A simple and manageable self-help programme suitable for all ages.
This book highlights the feelings of change and uncertainty that can occur when a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, particularly a parent.
An array of poems to follow on from “In The Light Of Pure Love.”
BECK, Lucy
Lucy was diagnosed with cancer when she was just 6 years old. “Take it on” written by Lucy herself details her journey and is intended to help other young people who may be starting their own journey, what they can expect to feel and experience along the way.