ISBN 978-1-922722-18-8

You will go, won’t you?

A telephone call ‘out of the blue’ started Bob’s 30 year career with the Red Cross and Red Crescent evaluating and providing safe water and public health projects throughout the world.

Released from his duties in local government, he undertook humanitarian missions to conflicts including the ‘Bush War’ in Uganda, Kurds fleeing Saddam Hussein in Northern Iraq, genocide in Rwanda and civil war in Sri Lanka. Other missions were to natural disasters in the Pacific Island countries, Pakistan, Myanmar and the Boxing Day Tsunami. Bob worked in Sierra Leone during the height of the Ebola outbreak.

Bob Handby’s story tells of his day to day life in the field – sad, humorous and confronting. At times facing danger and challenges, whilst working with the local people who showed incredible bravery and resilience.

When things are difficult they take a long time to fix, when they are impossible they take a little bit longer.

Bob Handby, self-published author of You will go, won't you?

About the Author

Robert (Bob) Handby is retired and lives in Port Fairy, Australia with his wife Judi. He is in demand to pass on his experience and knowledge. People are intrigued by his stories working as an aid worker in the field.

Bob was awarded the Order of Australia in 2018 in recognition of his international humanitarian work.