ISBN 978-1-9225-57-8 PAPERBACK

Running on Empty 

Small Business Survival Kit 

What’s a house painter doing with a steel business? For the first two years, I asked myself the same question. One of my good friends said to me, “Mate, you’re a bloody idiot! You’re giving up a good living painting houses to go and set up a steel business!”

I remember this because it hurt me so much. But I have got up off the floor so many times because of it. What happened was, I was lucky to be painting for a local business that was closing down because of a global downturn, and it gave me the chance to start up.

Over the following chapters, I hope to give you the inspiration and hope to go out and start your own adventure. I did, and now I am saying, WOW, where did twenty years go! My new venture enabled me to put three kids through university. One is a doctor, one is a teacher, and one is a radiographer.

I often wonder: Could I have done this on a painter’s wage?

The answer would be NO.