ISBN 978-1-922803-98-6

Reflections from the Shadows

Reflections from the Shadows is a haunting collection of deep emotional writings that Lisa has compiled over many years, during her healing journey.

Included amongst the expressive pieces are informational sections. The topics covered within this book range from obscurity to illumination. It is her dream to help shed some light on abusers’ techniques, mental illness, personal growth and how to own your recovery journey. In a way that encourages you to take charge of your personal healing journey, by allowing yourself the discretion of collapsing down at times and developing resilience to stand back up and conquer your battles.

lisa everingham author

About the Author

Lisa was born in Australia and is a single mother of two teenage children. She enlisted in the Australian Defence force at eighteen years old. Lisa served as a medic during her time in the ADF and it was this basic understanding of the medical field that inspired her to research psychology and sociology. She used this research to grasp an understanding on the darkness that had been cast her way. Lisa worked through her darkest times with great resilience and wanted to share her experiences with people that are on similar paths.

Lisa believes that it is a great privilege to walk beside others in their darkest moments, and she would love nothing more than to be the light for others when they need guidance the most. She understands how it feels to walk alone in the darkest hour, and she hopes to help those that are in need.

It has been her dream to write a book that may become a bible to those that have been abused and learning to navigate the world after abuse. Lisa has lived through much abuse, and wishes to help others through their hardships, with her lived experience.