ISBN 978-1-922527-95-0

Dusty and other stories

In this collection of short stories and verse, well-known Coonawarra wine identity Doug Balnaves shares recollections drawn from his long association with and love for rural South Australia.

The stories – humorous, reflective and poignant – reflect both the joys and the heartbreaks of country life. Doug also wittily points up differences between country and city, and pokes gentle fun at trying characters from all walks of life.

This book is a lovely reminder that telling stories is our way of making sense of the world. There is something in this for everyone. – Jessica Alice. Director, Writers SA

Doug Balnaves, self-published author of 'Dusty and other stories'

About the Author

Doug Balnaves began his schooling at Penola in 1943 and describes himself as an average student. However he always enjoyed reading and over the years gained a passion for writing, a skill he developed through attending writing workshops. While running the Balnaves winery with his family took much of his time, he got back to writing when he could and is proud to have now published a collection of his best works through Green Hill Publishing.