ISBN 978-1-922452-12-2 PAPERBACK

Motherhood & Musings

A book of short and inspirational stories

A friend suggested that I should blog.

My initial response was, “meh”. I am not a writer.

That being said, she was right and I was wrong.

So, I’m just going to blog my simple, daily thoughts as I walk this life out and maybe…

somehow… I might inspire someone.

Deanna Djuric self-published author of 'Motherhood and Musings'

About the Author

The daughter of a political refugee and migrant, Deanna was born in Adelaide, South Australia. Given that she didn’t learn to speak English until she was five, writing was never a perceived strength during her school years. As a renowned local musician, it wasn’t until Deanna did her Masters of Music degree that she discovered the joy of writing. Through the writing of her thesis, Messiaen’s Musical Language for the Jazz Pianist: An Exploration Through Performance, Deanna attributes any skill gained to her Masters supervisor, Dr Kimi Coaldrake. She began her blog when her second child was born as a creative outlet and an opportunity to maintain her writing skills. Her blog is a menagerie of faith-inspired epiphanies and musings based on her everyday life.
You can read other blogs at:
and listen to her music at:
Deanna spends this side of early motherhood investing in the next generation of musicians as an educator at Brighton Secondary School’s Special Interest Music Centre.