ISBN 978-1-922722-09-6

Finding a Prince to Keep

How does anyone find a Prince in New York City?

Ella Hudson didn’t know. She thought she’d found the perfect guy until he called off their wedding, a few weeks out from the big day. Heartbroken she creates her own events planning business, working long hours and weekends, giving her clients their most amazing day, whilst leaving little time to dwell on her own single life.

But a chance meeting with Oliver Finch, hotel manager of The Conrad Hotel NY changes that.

Young, dashing and hard-working Oliver, often works long hours at his career, something his mother always grumbles about despite her best efforts to do a little match making. There’s more to life than work, she always tells him. Until he meets Ella.

So begins a friendship between Oliver and Ella, a little rocky at first, but then an opportunity arises as a small tragedy leads Ella to work closely with Oliver on a series of social events. Can Ella pause enough within her own work schedule to realise her feelings for Oliver? Or will an old flame destroy the relationship as it’s just beginning?

Does Oliver turn out to be her Prince after all?

ISBN 978-1-922803-43-6

One Moment of Impact

can change lives irrevocably…

Mitch Kelly thinks he has the perfect life. He’s a stay-at-home dad, married to Izzy, and very much involved in the lives of their two teenage daughters, Sasha and Willow. They live in a large home in the suburbs with their family dog, Sam, enjoying a comfortable lifestyle provided by the success of his writing career. 

Piper Minton’s life is vastly different, and far from perfect. She lives in a small, rundown house with her husband Justin and their teenage son, Cody. Money is tight, but Piper can live without luxuries, if only to pursue her fondest dream of sending her son to a prestigious music school in New York City.

But a rainy night brings tragedy to both families, changing their lives irrevocably. From one moment of impact, their lives are propelled into the city, where new challenges and futures are forged. With these new challenges, hidden secrets are revealed, causing their new lives to unravel. 

Will their secrets break them, leaving them feeling there’s no way out? Or can each family overcome their deepest secrets to survive in their newly forged lives, and find love? 

ISBN 978-1-922957-95-5​

Truffles, Jazz, and Butterflies

When you follow your dreams… anything can happen

Ben Vincent dreamed of owning his own restaurant in New York City. But for the time being he was working in a small bistro, stifled by the ignorance of his head chef. Expecting their first child, Ben and his girlfriend live in an one bedroom apartment, struggling to make ends meet as he works in the evenings and studies during the day.

Luis Rodriguez was one of six children, born to an American Father and a Puerto Rican mother, who dreamed of one day becoming a singing sensation, but for the time being he works as a dishwasher in the small bistro, helping his family out financially when he can.

Working as waitress in the same bistro, Poppy is just managing her own affairs with her deadbeat boyfriend, wanting to find her
own dream but still unsure of where her path would take her.

Each longed to follow their dreams. Each wanted a better life. Each wanted to leave the sanctuary of the bistro, but knew their lives depended on the work to survive. Until one day a mysterious benefactor bestows them a gift. Offers them the means to chase their dreams, to live their lives. The only condition was to keep in contact with them, to tell them of their journey.

Will Ben get his own restaurant?

Will Luis become a singing star?

Does Poppy find her path to freedom?

In their quest for their dreams. Will they find love?

And with the generous offer to pursue these dreams is it all they wished for?

ISBN 978-1-923156-62-3

Our Sacrifices

What would you sacrifice for love?

Laura Parsons has sacrificed her whole life for her husband Eddie. With every moment of their lives, her life has been splashed all over the media. She has sacrificed her privacy and every personal moment in her life thus far. She has supported her husband as he became a Senator and then his bid for Presidency, but now as their marriage has become a mere convenience, she wants a divorce.

Eddie Parsons has sacrificed his relationship with his wife to get what he wanted. But is he willing to sacrifice his integrity to win the Presidency?

Daniel Macintosh “Mackie” puts his life on the line every time he goes into a burning building or a‑ ends a major catastrophe. He’s a firefighter with the New York Fire Department. He’s also sacrificed two marriages along the way.

But when a series of events in his life come crashing together, he takes a leave of absence and embarks on a road trip that leads him to one of the biggest natural disasters in Texas. With his pledge to save lives, Mackie becomes part of the rescue team, intent on doing just that. It’s in his blood, it’s what he knows.

And in doing so, he meets and rescues Laura Parsons, one of the victims caught up in the disaster.

Can Mackie open his heart once again?

Can Laura fall for the handsome firefighter?

Are they both willing to sacrifice a little more to fall in love once again?

And when they return home, will their relationship survive?

About the Author

My love for reading began at an early age. I would often spend an afternoon with my head in a book, especially when we were travelling in the car, much to my parents’ annoyance, because I should have been looking out a window.

But a good story transports you into another world, and so grew my love of reading.

My love of writing, however, began when I won a short story competition at school and the story was printed in the local newspaper. This has been my first and only published story, until now, I hope.

Writing and creating characters and their stories is an intriguing concept. You want to create a world that sucks the reader in so deeply that it has them wanting to read further so much that it’s hard to put the book down. That’s what I aspire to: a book that has to be read right now until the end, one you don’t want to put down.