SKU: 2370001897427


Chronicles of Jaina


Vol. 1

Jaina is just one of a small group of recycled humans, the Hastati. Numbering less than the population of small town, the Hastati have no memory, no identity, no personality, no history. The Hastati have just one purpose. to complete a mission programmed deep into their core.

“Each unit is physically strong, fit and selected from only the most unique of human stock. Available in two basic models, they come in a variety of sizes and colour. Each unit is pre-programmed with all the basic knowledge and skills necessary in an advanced combat unit. Optional upgrades are of course available and include skills such as assassination, infiltration, advanced combat technology. identity acquisition and assimilation, among many more unique skills. The full list of optional upgrades is available on request.”

– JJ Adams, (CEO)

About the Author


Dale Martin was born in the 60’s and moved around Australia with his Mother, Father and two brothers. Dale is the oldest. He has worked in I.T. since he was 15 and has travelled all over the world with his work. He now lives in country Victoria with his wife and four cats.

COX, Adrian

ISBN 978-1-923088-71-9

The Cydarions

A group of dedicated warriors, called the Cydarions, fight for you and your way of life. Using their faith and the Calling to guide their way through a series of adventures to face off with the ultimate evil.

Lucifer’s offspring wreak havoc on interplanetary worlds causing chaos and mayhem. Their unsuspecting citizens fall prey to evil ways, bringing the downfall of society as they know it.

Our heroes step through a portal, from the safety of their hidden citadel on El’ Azar, into unknown places filled with mystery and danger. As they traverse these lands, they learn more about each other and their new surroundings, relying on their training and wits to stay alive.

Will they all survive?

This new breed of devil is getting smarter and the Cydarions are out manoeuvred, with disastrous consequences.

The whole dynamic of the group is affected and they need to adapt.

The mere survival of our worlds depends upon these unknown fighters for justice and peace.

They don’t ask for recognition or payment; they simply ask for faith.

Adrian Cox self-published author

About the Author

Adrian Cox is a British-Australian author who seeks adventure and enjoys learning about different cultures. He lives with an elderly cat and his partner. They both like long walks in the countryside, where inspiration can be found wherever he wanders. Being influenced by his surroundings and current affairs, Adrian is often seen writing down new ideas.

In his spare time, he can be found at his local bar expanding his creativity. He is also an avid Star Wars fan and collector. 


ISBN 978-1-922629-83-8

The Adventures of Sammy the Swamphen of Lord Howe Island

Join Sammy, a brave and courageous swamphen of Lord Howe Island on his many adventures. Meet his unique collection of friends from this World Heritage Island, including Tina the white tern, Willie the double-headed wrasse, Wilbur the woodhen and Sandy the swamphen who rally together to help Sammy overcome enormous obstacles. Will the Crown of Thorns destroy the coral reef? Can Sammy save Tina from Rodney and his rat gang? Will the Grommets invade the world?

ISBN 978-1-922803-21-4

A Tale of Two Planets

Fasten your seat belts as you see what awaits you in the next few hundred years. Follow Rick Andrews and Susan Metcalfe, two Australian astronomers in their adventures after meeting Captain Vass, a siliconoid from Planet X in the Magellanic Clouds.

See how your mineral-rich Earth is so attractive to other planets, and shudder at the consequences. Become emotionally involved when Susan, a carbonoid, falls in love with the President, a siliconoid, Chancellor of the Federation of Planets in the local Group of Galaxies.

Reading this book will raise you into another dimension and your life will never be the same!

About the Author

Don Mathewson was Director of Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories of the Australian National University for nine years from 1977.

Since 1955 he was involved in studying the Universe in remote parts of the world from solitary observatories at high altitudes. One of his many discoveries was the Magellanic Stream, a huge arc of hydrogen around our Galaxy pulled from the Magellanic Clouds.

From his dome he would look up at the Magellanic Clouds and wonder if life would exist in this beautiful galaxy. He became so obsessed with this idea he decided to write A Tale of Two Planets.

In 1993, he travelled to Lord Howe Island with his family and immediately fell in love with this World Heritage Island and its stunning array of bird, marine and plant life. They have been regular visitors to the island ever since.

During long walks on the island through this magical world of lush rainforests of kentia palm, blackbutt and pandanus, Don’s imagination was redirected from solving cosmic puzzles to telling the story of The Adventures of Sammy Swamphen of Lord Howe Island.

HALL, Darrell

ISBN 978-1-922629-97-5

The Third Last Communique

A Psychological Thriller

Three people from totally different backgrounds with unique gifts, will come together in the most extraordinary of circumstances. Through tragedy and euphoria, these three individuals will discover mind blowing knowledge that inevitably will change the world as we know it, forever.

James an Australian family man, Haloke a female native American astronaut, and Nadeeka a little girl living in a small fishing village in Sri Lanka, venture into realms of unsettling but wondrous revelations.

The story ends as it begun, only in this instance it will occur at a different point in time and place.

About the Author

Living on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria with my wife Liz and having taken up writing only a handful of years ago I have discovered to my great joy the wonderful world of creating stories. I hope who ever may read this book will in some way escape into my vision of wonderment and intrigue of unadulterated realms of the imagination. Photography by Peter Lamont.



ISBN 978-1-922629-42-5

The Red Curtain

“Climbing can be difficult to comprehend. Climbing on Mars would certainly add a whole new dimension.”
Lynn Hill, USA

In 2006 whilst exploring a rocky outcrop in Antarctica scientists make a geological discovery, a shard of an ancient meteor, that could save the world from catastrophe. In time it is confirmed that the sample came from a mountainous location not accessible by any spacecraft or rover, in the vicinity of Olympic Mons – on Mars. Further samples can only be accessed by climbing.

Secretly, the United States Government engage NASA and Space Force to seek out and secure source samples. Come 2043 and a team of highly skilled climbers and astronauts are tasked to do just that, to attempt the impossible and climb a big wall on the red planet. They name their route the Red Curtain and the climb is fraught with danger and difficulty that will require all of their combined strength and courage to climb. With a training program as tough as NASA can provide and fitted out with cutting edge equipment to assist in the endeavour, they embark on an adventure that is larger than life. 34 million miles from home, and with the future of earth depending on their success, they are prepared for the worst but hope for the best. It will take their best to succeed in their mission as they find themselves immersed in the most challenging environment any climber has ever faced.

How will Mars Mission 5 fare?
This is their story.

About the Author

David Barnes has been rock climbing since he was a boy. He has interviewed some of the world’s most accomplished climbers and adventurers for print publications, including UK Climber and Vertical Life. Dave also gives back as Assistant Editor of Common Climber, an international online climbing magazine. He is the father of Joshua and Charlotte, and partner to Melinda.
This novel is dedicated to his family, to Kim and Ian and their family, and to the staff of The Royal Hobart Hospital in Tasmania, Australia, who nursed Dave back from the brink after a significant injury. He would like to acknowledge the support of his climbing mates, Conrad Wansbrough and Paul Pritchard, who helped him return to the crags afterwards. The character of Conrad has been named in Wansbrough’s honor. The Totem Pole gets a mention for Paul.
David would not have completed The Red Curtain without the assistance of his Yoda, Keith Bell, artist Karmelo Ornate, and his stoke photography mate, Phillip Booth – all good people. As is everyone who stood by Dave on his journey towards healing. Since his accident, David has used writing to assist with rehabilitation – hence this work and that experience are inextricably linked.
The Red Curtain is Dave’s first published novel.