ISBN 978-1-922957-87-0

Marching with a Broken Shadow

The passage from birth to death is a journey that binds us all…

In this debut anthology entitled Marching with a Broken Shadow, readers are invited to embark on that journey; delving profoundly into their innermost thoughts and prevailing feelings – from the deepest and darkest layers of hurt and confusion, to the most hypnotic forms of happiness and dream.

Take the quest with the central character, and look forward to exploring, with reminiscence and wonder, the voyage that we call life, the ending we know as death, and all that lies in between.

About the Author

Dyson began writing poetry after studying William Blake in Year 12 Literature. By 2015 his poetry had become a means of catharsis and reflection as he cared for his sick mother.

Discovering her hidden poems after she passed away in 2017, Dyson began to write with the intention of producing a thematically linked and conceptually realised body of work – this work is what became Marching with a Broken Shadow.

Now, with a penchant for writing and storytelling, Dyson aims to continue to produce artistic and thought-provoking material, and is busily completing his follow up project entitled Stories Heard From the Hearts Whisper. 


ISBN 978-1-922957-79-5 

Within and Beneath my Heart

Within and Beneath My Heart is about my most deepest feelings and emotions.

They are a window into my soul of love, hurt, life, destiny and dreams.

I find it so easy to write these feelings and express my thoughts as poetry.

All the words I find so difficult to say in person.

They are a reflection of who I am as a woman, mother, friend and lover.

About the Author

Kathy A. Franklin was born at Bankstown Hospital in 1972. She lived mostly in the Western Suburbs of Sydney and was raised by her single father.

DE PALO, Tania

ISBN 978-1-922957-77-1

The Day the Doctors Broke My Vagina and Brain

Raw poetry

A broken body and soul finding the healing of the spirit through trauma and pain.

This powerful book chronicles Tania’s life of unimaginable trauma, captured in stunning poetic form. From the young age when a brick was thrown at her head, to the brutal medical procedure that left her with the worst pain imaginable, Tania’s journey has been a constant battle. But through it all, she has shown extraordinary resilience and determination to heal herself and give back to others. In this unique memoir, Tania uses poetry to convey the depth of her emotions and experiences, taking readers on an unforgettable experience of triumph over adversity.

The day the doctors broke my vagina and brain is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and hope in the face of life’s challenges. Discover life in Tania’s story, despite everything.

JACKSON, Charles

ISBN 978-1-922890-61-0

The Randomness of Me

A collection of poetry and prose for today and everyday

The universe is big.
We are small.

It is all too easy to get lost
in the immensity of it all,
caught up in everyday

But if we pause for a few
seconds, breathe deeply
and look around we may
just notice how amazing
this universe is.

How each and every one
of us are unique within the
chaos of the heavens.

The Randomness of Me
is a reflection of lived
experiences from one of
these unique, random,
small beings in this big,
amazing universe.

About the Author

Charles Jackson is a poet of many years standing.

At his recent 60th birthday he asked invitees to describe him in one word.

Charles is…

Loving, unusual, weird, interesting, loyal, sarcastic, encyclopaedia, nerd, Dad, passionate, talented, funny, sexagenarian, generous, clever, stupid, loyal, funny, idiotic, repartee, loving, caring, faithful, friendly, supportive, resilient, strange, fun, unusual, unique, angry, ridiculous, painful, loving, intelligent, sincere, idiotic, strange, loving, kind, weird, loving, weird, loving, strange, clever, weird, different, thoughtful, loving and Star Ngee (pretty sure that was a typo but he liked it so took it as his Jedi name).

So, in summary, based on majority rules, loving, weird and a little bit strange.

Who knew.

Charles lives in Adelaide, South Australia with his wife Loretta and their two adult children, Christopher and Rebecca, their partners Maddie and Nick and granddaughter Mikayla.

The Randomness of Me is his first book.


ISBN 978-1-922803-98-6

Reflections from the Shadows

Reflections from the Shadows is a haunting collection of deep emotional writings that Lisa has compiled over many years, during her healing journey.

Included amongst the expressive pieces are informational sections. The topics covered within this book range from obscurity to illumination. It is her dream to help shed some light on abusers’ techniques, mental illness, personal growth and how to own your recovery journey. In a way that encourages you to take charge of your personal healing journey, by allowing yourself the discretion of collapsing down at times and developing resilience to stand back up and conquer your battles.

lisa everingham author

About the Author

Lisa was born in Australia and is a single mother of two teenage children. She enlisted in the Australian Defence force at eighteen years old. Lisa served as a medic during her time in the ADF and it was this basic understanding of the medical field that inspired her to research psychology and sociology. She used this research to grasp an understanding on the darkness that had been cast her way. Lisa worked through her darkest times with great resilience and wanted to share her experiences with people that are on similar paths.

Lisa believes that it is a great privilege to walk beside others in their darkest moments, and she would love nothing more than to be the light for others when they need guidance the most. She understands how it feels to walk alone in the darkest hour, and she hopes to help those that are in need.

It has been her dream to write a book that may become a bible to those that have been abused and learning to navigate the world after abuse. Lisa has lived through much abuse, and wishes to help others through their hardships, with her lived experience.

HALL, Sarah

ISBN 978-1-922890-07-8

Sarah’s Collection of Scars

Tell me all your secrets,
And I’ll show you all my scars.


About the Author

Sarah is an established writer and poet, residing in Adelaide, South Australia.

Her work has been featured extensively in poetry anthologies published by 300 South Media group New York.

Sarah is co-editor of Rise Up Rabid Souls by Ship Street Poetry and works closely with them on multiple projects.

Her powerful emotive and raw pieces are often inspired by her survival of domestic violence and other personal experiences in life, love, and loss.

Sarah’s Collection of Scars is her first body of work to be published, with plans for more to come.