STEVENS, Anthony

ISBN 978-1-923214-49-1

AI and the Future of GRC


A Guide for Cybersecurity Risk & Compliance Leaders


As organizations grapple with the complexities of governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC), AI emerges as a powerful ally, offering unprecedented efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making prowess.

AI and the Future of GRC: A Guide for Risk and Compliance Leaders serves as a comprehensive roadmap for embracing this transformative technology. Author Anthony Stevens, a seasoned expert in AI and GRC, draws upon his extensive experience to guide readers through the intricate web of opportunities and challenges that AI presents.

Whether you’re a seasoned risk and compliance professional or a forward-thinking leader seeking to stay ahead of the curve, AI and the Future of GRC is an indispensable guide. Unlock the power of AI, drive innovation, and fortify your organization’s resilience in an everchanging business environment.

This groundbreaking book is divided into three comprehensive sections:

  1. The AI Revolution in GRC: Explore the paradigm shift AI brings to governance, risk, and compliance processes, unveiling its game changing potential.
  2. Practical Applications of AI in GRC: Delve into real-world case studies and tangible strategies for leveraging AI to enhance decision-making, streamline operations, and mitigate risks.
  3. Accelerating Change and Building Trust: Discover frameworks for fostering organizational buy-in, navigating ethical considerations, and cultivating trust in AI driven GRC initiatives.

About the Author

Anthony Stevens

Anthony Stevens is a visionary leader in the world of AI and enterprise software. As the CEO and co-founder of 6clicks, a groundbreaking AI-powered GRC platform, he has established himself as a pioneer in the industry.

His first book, “Chasing Digital: A Playbook for the New Economy,” reflects his deep understanding of digital transformation and the application of advanced technologies. With a career overseeing over $750 million in IT procurement and numerous shifts in the enterprise software market, Anthony brings a wealth of experience to the table.

Prior to founding 6clicks, Anthony held several high-profile executive roles. Notably, he was a Partner and Chief Digital Officer at KPMG, where he was instrumental in digitally transforming the firm’s business model. He also served as a CIO Adviser for Zoom.

Anthony holds a Bachelor of Commerce, a Bachelor of Information Systems, and a Masters of Commercial Law from the University of Melbourne. He is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and was recognized as the Young Executive of the Year in 2011 by AFR BOSS.

Anthony’s passion for technology and his commitment to leveraging AI for enhancing operational efficiency and effectiveness has made him a respected figure in driving digital transformation. Under his leadership, 6clicks has become a trusted platform for global businesses, revolutionizing their risk and compliance programs with the power of AI.

ANVIL, Michael

ISBN 978-1-923088-21-4

The Limehouse Chronicles

Part 1


Step into a riveting WWII saga as Peter Wayman and Anne Colyer’s lives are upended by the German Luftwaffe during ‘The Blitz.’ Follow their journey from London’s East End to the nuclear disarmament marches of the 1950s, where they face an unforeseen future.

As Peter, a Royal Navy Signals officer, is drawn into the secretive world of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) by Captain Smith, they embark on daring night flights to Southern France. Their mission: to establish escape lines for downed pilots and refugees, obstructing the Nazi war machine. From the wartime Savoy Hotel in London to the Arctic Circle and the Mediterranean, follow their perilous adventures, entangled in a web of American bases, ‘Cold War’ spies, and unexpected alliances. Immerse yourself in the fascinating first part of The Limehouse Chronicles, an unforgettable journey through history in Michael Anvil’s debut masterpiece.


KOVACS, Joshua

ISBN 978-1-923088-93-1

ISBN 978-1-923156-12-8

Essentially You

“The most important conversations you need to have are with yourself.”

For your benefit, I’m sharing the physical activities and thought processes I focused on that I accredit my success to through the most challenging time of my life, suffering from poor mental health and low self-esteem.

Once I got myself up and started exercising, it allowed me to start thinking and self-reflect honestly about different situations, choices and interactions from my teen years and throughout my life.

I realised the choices I had made years before only provided limited options. I needed to understand better how I could continually improve my life’s path and create better opportunities going forward.

Over time and with my continual efforts, my mental health improved with my outlook on life being from a more positive perspective, creating greater self-belief and confidence to overcome my challenges.

The lessons learnt via my experiences can provide guidance and support, reducing confusion in your own journey. My dream is to help you continually improve your normal and then be the better you. Read on and believe in yourself.


ISBN 978-1-922957-98-6

Can We Do Better?

All Don’s books are about hope for us humans to do better than a mishmash of historical and current issues and harms that arise from misguided, dysfunctional and destructive expressions of masculinity. As clarified in all the poems — misguided, dysfunctional, harmful masculinity is not by all men, or even by most men, but is too-often manifested here, there and everywhere by too many men, in too many realms, over too long a time.

The poems weave a detailed network of patriarchal issues in culture, religion, politics, institutions, communities, families, and relationships. They highlight the impact of manmade harms to the earth, First Peoples, women, children, and other often-disempowered societal groupings.

Some men might struggle with this unusual and confronting anthology. In contrast, it is likely that a good proportion of women will sigh and nod as they work their way through the poems and the themes.

The poems advocate that societal evolution is contingent upon a critical mass of us facing key facts, truths and realities about wayward masculinity. The anthology concludes with a range of powerful and hopeful invitations that may help us humans do better than our history of man-made harms to ourselves, our kindred species, and the earth … our Mother.

ISBN 978-1-923156-08-1​

Are We Better Than?

ARE WE BETTER THAN? is the fourth in series of books that tackle pervasive and perplexing human issues. It is the scaled-down, abridged little-sister version of Can We Do Better? … which is the first and by the far the largest of the series. Comprising about half the number of pages of Can We do Better? … Are We Better Than? is less daunting and more manageable. This will appeal to people who prefer a smaller, easier, more compact read.

All Don’s books are about hope for us humans to do better than a mishmash of historical and current issues and harms that arise from misguided, dysfunctional and destructive expressions of masculinity.  As clarified throughout the book, misguided, dysfunctional, harmful masculinity is not by all men, or even by most men, but is too-often manifested here, there and everywhere … by too many men, in too many realms, over too long a time.

Are We Better Than? weaves a detailed network of patriarchal issues in culture, religion, politics, institutions, communities, families, and relationships. It highlights the impact of man-made harms to the Earth, First Peoples, Women, Children, and other often-disempowered societal groupings. Some men might struggle with these unusual and confronting themes. In contrast, it is likely that a good proportion of women will sigh and nod as they read.

Are We Better Than? concludes with a range of powerful and hopeful invitations that may help us humans do better than our history of man-made harms to ourselves, our kindred species, and the earth … our Mother.

About the Author

Don Morris is a family man and a retired veteran social worker. His professional background integrates counselling, program management, organisational improvement, cultural change, leadership development, teaching at university, and running his consultancy business.

Don is people-focused, a big-picture thinker, and a change agent. He is dedicated to promoting social justice and critical analysis of human issues. Don is perceptive, an original thinker, and solution-focused. He tackles issues with clarity, focus and determination.

In this anthology, Don is a ‘conscious dreamer’ and a mindful visionary. He is lucid about respective and combined influences of religion, populism, political machinations, pop-psychology, junk-science, conspiracy madness, internet misinformation, and social media inanity. In the face of these, Don is committed to educational processes that give voice to facts, truths and realities. He is also committed to possibilities for us to do better than so much unhelpful stuff that dumbs us down and holds us back.

In all his books, Don drills down into ‘inconvenient truths’ and synthesizes diverse macro and micro issues. He proposes ways for us to build a conscious blend of awareness, dignifying values, rationality, integrity, and accountability. Don reminds us that these interrelated priorities apply to individuals, relationships, institutions, communities, cultures, and governance. They are also crucial to our care and custodianship of human and environmental ecologies.

Don is person of mind, heart and hand. He is thinker, a lover, and a doer. His books encourage readers to think intelligently, rationally and strategically … to feel sentiently, passionately and earnestly … and to act purposefully, constructively and hopefully.


ISBN 978-1-923088-46-7

Discover the truth behind the

Murder at the Linley Cove Lighthouse

“The broken railing and askew post on the outside of the fourth-floor balcony was a giveaway to the attending detective Peter.”

In the early morning, Kev is woken by a phone call; a body had been found at the base of a seven-storey lighthouse. As a senior mortuary technician, Kev is tasked with preparing this new patient for analysis.

Paul is the supposed victim, and close friend of Peter the detective assigned to the case. Paul’s body had been removed from the scene before Peter got there, authorised by Peters Chief Superintendent so he would not have to see his friend looking like he did at the foot of the lighthouse. The investigation progresses, more and more is revealed that leaves the police questioning everything.

In the midst of the investigation, Kev’s relationship with his co-worker, Liz, unexpectedly blossoms and Kev finds his attention split between his job and this fledgling love affair.

Discover the true inner workings of a forensic mortuary and the training of a new employee. Also follow the homicide detective Peter to discover the truth behind the Murder at the Linley Cove Lighthouse.

About the Author

Kevin is the third son of Robert George Hillier and Dorothy Margaret Hillier. Stephen and Andrew being his two older brothers. Kev was born in the lounge room of the family home soon after ten pm on the 21st of October 1966. His childhood was a good and loving one. From the age of fourteen, Kev worked in a butcher’s shop after school. It was situated in the small village of Alverstoke in Gosport, Hampshire, on the south coast of England, to the left of Portsmouth Harbour.

When he left school, he gained a position with a large supermarket chain, working in their meat preparation room. That was, until he damaged an eye in an accident at home, which made it impossible to work with all the equipment at that time. After working in a few different departments over the next six months or so, he decided he needed something new.

He then worked for a maritime engineer, helping with everything from building or repairing slipways, to painting and varnishing yachts. At this time, Kev lived on a boat to try to save money, and that is when he started writing as he had no television. He would while away the hours in the evenings drafting stories that came into his head like waking dreams. These stories were handwritten in a book and wouldn’t have been able to be read by anyone other than Kev due to his dyslexia. The stories were badly written, spelt and had hardly any punctuation.

After six months of working with the marine engineer, he joined a jewellery retail company as a trainee manager and made it to the position of manager a couple of years later. When a competitor bought out the company, Kev went for another change and became a trainee mortuary technician.

That’s where he met Liz, you may say the rest is history. He is now settled in South Australia with Elizabeth and their two grown up daughters. He started writing again as a hobby in January 2023. After his father heard Kev had completed his first draft he said about the story “that should be published.” Kev’s father died three days later. Kev decided to approach a publisher and this is his novel. Thank you for reading it.

HOLT, Jeremy

ISBN 978-1-923088-17-7

Everything That Stands

Dare you push against the doors?

Will you brave the darkness to find your light?

September 3, 1978.

At the height of the revolutionary war for Rhodesia, twin brothers face a harrowing ordeal when their passenger plane the Viscount Hunyani is struck down by a SAM-7 missile.

In escaping the wreckage, Baron and Blaise Black, co-incidental players in a conflict they neither desire, nor fully comprehend, witness a calculated act of brutality that sets them on a relentless and hazardous journey through unforgiving African bush.

The consciousness of the older twin becomes a prism through which the complexities of purpose, truth, and conscience are explored, against the backdrop of civilians forced to confront unbearable choices.

With this debut novel, the author invites readers to extend their search for meaning beyond the doors of the known, to the undiscovered country that beckons to us all.

Jeremy Holt self-published author

About the Author

Jeremy grew up in Durban, South Africa, during the turbulent, apartheid-era Sixties, and countercultural Seventies. For forty years, he has worked in various educational communities across the globe as a teacher, mentor, lecturer, sports-coach, residential leader, and consultant.

Apart from guarding against his life-narrative becoming an idiot’s tale, Jeremy nurtures a love of family, along with an admixture of literature, philosophy, writing, rugby, and swimming. He is married to Anne, a theatre-nurse manager, who spent her youth in Salisbury, Rhodesia. They are based in Hidden Valley, north of Melbourne, Australia, where their search for meaning continues.

Jeremy’s debut novel, Everything That Stands, is the first book of a larger conceptual framework, The Baron Black Trilogy.