ISBN 978-1-922890-68-9

He was My Brother

The story of Rob Dickson and me

“A compelling story I urge you to read”
Gillon McLachlan, AFL CEO

One phone call, one sudden unexpected tragic event in a distant land. That’s all it took to shatter one man’s world and his close-knit family into a thousand pieces.

The death of Australian football identity, reality TV star and documentary maker Rob Dickson stunned his hundreds of associates and friends across Melbourne’s corporate, sporting and social world.

But none felt it more than his hero-worshipping younger brother, Peter. The bond between them was unbreakable. From an early age they were far more than brothers. They were mates, buddies, best pals and eventually business partners.

Rob’s death hit Peter harder than he or anyone could have imagined. The aftershock has lasted for years, taking its toll not only on Peter’s mental and physical health but also his family and business relationships.

In this uplifting memoir of survival and recovery he tells with brutal honesty of his fight back from intense despair, with Rob as his ever-present inspiration and guide.

He delves back into the pair’s childhood under the strict but loving eye of their Bible-quoting mother, traces Rob’s larrikin rise into the world of Australian Rules and details his ongoing struggles to rival his brother’s skill behind the camera.

An immensely readable story of highs and lows told with the sharp eye of one who has beaten the odds to reach the peak of his profession as an award-winning documentary filmmaker.

“They were the greatest storytellers I’ve ever known, mixing larrikin humor with existential wisdom that left their audiences laughing & crying, spellbound & uplifted. Their love for storytelling and helping others was outshone only by their love for each other”
— Ben Crowe Leadership Mentor & Mindset Coach.


ISBN 978-1-922890-24-5

Hair Loss in Women

Understand why this is happening to you and learn how to turn your hair growth back on

Hair loss for a woman can be a devastating blow. A blow to our self-esteem and our very identity.

As a former Registered Nurse, herself a hair loss sufferer, Bambi Staveley was astounded by the lack of information available for women with hair loss.

If you are a woman suffering from hair loss, you have probably searched the internet for answers, only to discover a world of contradictory information and a sea of so-called magic potions, drops, supplements and miracle cures all competing for our desperate dollar.

Hair Loss in Women is the result of over a decade of research. It contains everything you need to know to understand why this is happening to you and to give your hair the best chance at recovery.


ISBN 978-1-922722-31-7

The Journey of 100 Hidden Hearts


A profound program for spiritual connection with your heart, The Journey of 100 Hidden Hearts will help you discover your authentic self, and gift you with the tools to transform your life.

The protective walls you have built around your heart are the same ones that keep you imprisoned.

It is time to find the courage to live a life true to yourself, and not the life others expect of you.

You are invited to take positive action to ignite your soul, live with true joy and fully embrace who you were always created to be.

You are the change you have been looking for, and this book will guide you home to your heart, and your true self.

Dr John McSwiney the journey of 100 hidden hearts

About the Author

Dr John McSwiney is a neuroscience based coach, and author. His coaching and programs are designed to connect you with your heart so you live your best life. He has degrees in Social Science, Law and a Master of Arts and PhD in Philosophy from Monash University. He is also a certified mBIT Practitioner, Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Timline (Matrix) Practitioner and a Conscious Hypnosis Practitioner. Dr John’s mission is to connect every person with their heart. It is his legacy gift. 

WALES, Stephen

ISBN 978-0-6483239-1-4


A true story of love & human resilience

On their honeymoon in remote Northern India, Steve and Terri’s lives would be forever changed when their tour vehicle collides with an oncoming bus.

What follows is a series of events only the rarest of people survive.Left with catastrophic injuries and given little hope of ever regaining her life back, Terri’s story is one of true courage, determination and ultimately triumph over enormous odds.

ISBN 978-1-922722-95-9

Fork in the Road

When the screaming fades and the sounds of breaking glass and twisting metal are just distant memories, what happens next?

Putting the pieces of lives torn apart back together is a challenge that will test Steve and Terri well beyond the accident that forever changed them.

Steven Wales Author - Unbreakable
stephen and terri author fork in the road

About the Author

To come.


ISBN 978-1-922803-00-9

Breaking Free from Sexual Barriers

What do women expect from a relationship and how can men help to achieve it?

What part does sex play in the personal relationship between partners?

How do we realistically deal with inequality, disappointments, and abuse within a relationship?

How can we improve the caring, respect, and love side of a relationship?

This is a confronting book which directs help to both women and men, who want to improve their potential to appreciate or fulfil their lives and relationships in the present, to understand how we are unconsciously influenced by the legacy of unresolved fears, negative thoughts, and disappointments from the challenges we have been exposed to in our past.

graeme andermahr breaking free from sexual barriers

About the Author

Graeme Andermahr is formerly from a retailing background in the UK and Australia, working closely with developing the potential of large diverse teams of people. Years of volunteering as a domestic violence and crisis counsellor, and private experience as a lifecoach, has enriched his intelligent, perceptive, compassionate, and unique aptitude for supporting and successfully helping people, which has led him to analyse and share his observations and thoughts in this conversational style book. Graeme is particularly concerned with helping women and men in understanding their self-perceptions and behaviours that can lead to poor communications between couples, relationship breakdown, abuse, and domestic violence.

SOLOWIJ, Valentyna

ISBN 978-1-922337-03-0

LEFT OF CENTRE: Turn your Life Right Around

A simple and manageable self-help programme suitable for all ages.

Do you feel frustrated because your back and neck pain never quite settles down, or relief after treatment is only temporary?

Does it feel as though you have tried everything but nothing seems to work and you have been told to just ‘live with it’?

Are you starting to despair because you are developing other areas of symptoms, like neck, shoulder and elbow pain, in addition to your ongoing back pain?

Based on the author’s personal experience of recurrent back and neck pain and the knowledge gleaned over a 40 year physiotherapy career, this book may well be what you have been searching for. Thinking outside the box, Valentyna has developed a simple and manageable self-help programme, based on 3 basic exercises and modification of our every day habits. Read on…

About the Author

Valentyna always planned to undertake a medical career. However, after learning that physiotherapists work more closely with patients during their rehabilitation, she commenced studies in physiotherapy at the South Australian Institute of Technology, graduating with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Physiotherapy in 1981. Further study at the University of South Australia led to a Master of Applied Science in Physiotherapy (Orthopaedics) in 1991. During this time, Valentyna was strongly influenced by the teachings of David S Butler (theory and research on adverse mechanical tension of the nervous system) and Mark Jones (teachings on clinical reasoning), which ultimately contributed to the formulation of her theory of the Right Functional Scoliosis (RFS).

In addition to her physiotherapy career, Valentyna has performed with the State Opera of South Australia as a chorus member in more than 40 productions, over a period of 24 years. She has also taught singing to adults and children, and more recently has trained in vocal physiotherapy techniques as well as the Estill Voice Training method.

A second edition detailing how the RFS can contribute to vocal, throat or jaw issues, as well as to upper limb (shoulder and elbow pain) and lower limb (hip, knee and heel pain) conditions is already in the planning.