ISBN 978-1-922803-57-3
90 Day Musician’s Diary
A powerful tool to help musicians of all skill levels achieve their goals.
You’ll be surprised what can be achieved in 90 days
- Set achievable goals and knock them over like dominoes.
- Do not skip days.
- Write an entry every day, even if you didn’t play a thing that day.
- Most importantly: STICK WITH IT! Don’t give up halfway, everything is hard before it gets easy.
ISBN 978-1-922803-88-7
Why Can’t I Play Like Jimmy?
Guitar Rut Remedies
Well, play something different, something new for a start.
Listen to some different styles and stop playing the same riffs you’ve been playing over and over for years on end.
Learn new chords and strumming techniques, challenge yourself a bit and you’ll be drawn to your guitar.
Once you develop a practice and growth mindset you won’t be able to walk past your guitar without picking it up.
Develop the habits of a master in the making and a master you will become.