WITNEY, Graeme

ISBN 978-0-977577-92-7


Michael and most of the other children living in their small community are somewhat neglected.

A victim of his parents’ physical and emotional abuse, like all children, he has an instinctive need to please, and he tries to do his best to limit the punishment. Because it is the only world he and the other children know, they don’t realise the extent to which they are being mistreated.

Then one particularly dreadful day, his parents’ lack of care leaves Michael and his cousin Julie in mortal danger, only seconds away from death, or perhaps a fate even worse.

ISBN 978-1-922890-21-4


Brought up in isolation by a robot, the twelve-year-old Byte, with no knowledge of lying, cheating or sarcasm, found himself on a giant military space cruiser with over 11,000 crew members.

Most of the crew were fourteen or fifteen-year-olds, used to cheating, stealing, and lying, just to survive on the large vessel.

With only his robot to protect him, Byte sets out on an adventure that would take him throughout the Galaxy.

ISBN 978-1-922890-84-9

Martin Creswick Year 8

Martin and Anton continue to improve Risper’s capabilities as the find ways to make their robotic friend more independent and intelligent.

It also seems that Risper has found ways to do things for himself and is getting into trouble of his own.

Martin and Anton meet new friends who help them come up with ideas for Risper and their other projects. They find more people who help them come up with new ideas for Risper and their other projects. They find more people who need their help and expertise of building clever devices and solving problems.

But someone is trying to kidnap Risper. Martin and Anton need to use all their skills and intelligence to work out who it is.

ISBN 978-0-977577-91-0

Martin Creswick Year 7

Martin and his friend Anton love solving problems and making things, mainly mechanical things they call their projects.

Their main project is ‘Risper’, a robot that lives in Martin’s backpack and goes everywhere with him.

Anton is in Year Eight and is almost thirteen, while Martin is in Year Seven and isn’t even ten. He is probably the smartest boy at school. Martin’s young age causes a few problems with other students, while Anton helps him out where he can.

Throughout the school year, Risper’s capability and personality continue to grow. That is despite the fact that Martin and Anton spend a lot of their time working on their other robotic and power saving devices.

The story is a year in the life of two boys as they build a robot and deal with some of life’s challenges.

Graeme Witney Author

About the Author

Growing up in small country towns, adventure became a part of almost every day. We often disappeared on weekends at dawn on our push-bikes and returned at sunset. While on these journeys we let our imagination soar and within it encountered many monsters and battled countless foes.

We also understood how lucky we were that after our battles against seemingly impossible odds, we could return safely to our homes. There, our battle wounds of grazed knees and splinters would be tended by our loving parents and siblings. We would find lovely meals waiting for our starving bodies. Then a hot shower, a hug, and off to a warm bed. Resting our bodies for the next day’s adventure and inevitable battle with terrible beasts.

Our adventures with monsters were all happening in our imaginations. However, what we couldn’t imagine was what some other kids were going through. They were confronted with unimaginable trauma every day where just survival would take all their skill and energy. They received deep physical and psychological scars that became impossible to heal. Emotional scars that are reopened daily.

I only realised how these kids had been affected when I became a Foster Carer in 2014. Many children later, I learned to sense the burdens they are carrying that they wouldn’t talk about. Their trauma often surfaced every day. Hopefully, I have shown some of them ways to cope. Ways to override their distress. Provide them with new wonderful memories that they might use to temper some of their distressing pain.

I can tell you, though, that being a Carer is not for everyone. The children’s trauma can seep in and invade your own thoughts. The transfer is worth it if their burden can be lightened.


ISBN 978-1-922629-21-0

The Passage of Conquest

During an evening, promising adventure aboard a galleon, eighteen-year-old Giselle is marooned on a tropical island.

As she begins to uncover remnants of an ancient civilisation, she learns that she has travelled to a parallel world and that the island was veiled four hundred years ago to prevent an ancient evil from escaping.

As the mystery of the islands history unfolds, Giselle is drawn into a desperate quest for a key that will enable safe passage home aboard the galleon, before it is used to unleash death and destruction throughout time and space.

todd kuchel author

About the Author

Having admired works of time travel and parallel worlds since a young age, T. D. Kuchel brilliantly captures the essence of reality with his fictional tales. Though, also partial to drama and a worthy love story, his tales flicker with romance and suspense.

A keen traveller, T. D. Kuchel longs for adventure and strives to write first-hand of locations around the globe. The plot for his debut novel, The Passage of Conquest, was conceived whilst sailing the Whitsunday Islands.

Between exploits, he resides in The Barossa Valley, where he enjoys quality time with his family, the local splendour of food and wine and writing in his home library.

To contact or learn more, visit www.tdkuchel.com


Magnetic prose, dripping with intrigue, that catapults you head-first into the turbulent depths of Kuchel’s spellbinding narrative and leaves you gasping for air in all the best ways.

Emily Waller

An addictive, irresistible adventure that keeps you guessing right ‘til the end, filled with refreshing authentic characters and an engaging female protagonist. This book is the definition of a page-turner.

Jessica Atkins

B. BOYD, Ian

ISBN 978-0-6482394-9-9
ISBN 978-0-6482394-5-1

Mandilla: The Spirit of U’Katang

Madilla is a contemporary Fantasy about a young girl who teaches herself to improvise on an old piano. Her village has been under military occupation for hundreds of years, and Madilla’s piano reveals a spiritual connection between herself and a wild mountain sparrow. While Madilla is learning the truth of her family’s faith, her abusive uncle is losing himself to the evils of the soldiers. Madilla’s story is one of spiritual and musical discovery against a tide of contrasting beliefs. What she learns is that the magic she feels through playing her piano is only the beginning.

About the Author

In a past life, not so long ago, I spent my days laying pavers, building retaining walls and designing gardens. For large parts of each day, there was just me and Jono, looking for any conversation to kill the time as we traipsed back and forward doing the repetitive grunt work. Jono’s glorious brainchild was a book he intended to write entitled 101 Uses for Pavelok; the magical gap filling sand. From that first idea, we began solving many of life’s most pressing issues with appropriately themed books.

Several years passed, and through each twist and turn, it became increasingly obvious to me that I needed to start writing. In learning the art, I have written a number of short stories about whatever inspired me at the time, one such inspiration being The Empty Nested Dragon. The story draws on bits and pieces of a thousand conversations with Jono, and like most stories I write, I have no idea what it all means until I reach the final paragraph. That has been the most rewarding part of what I take from writing. Discovering that even the most nonsensical conversations can amount to something meaningful… to me, anyway.