LUISE, Nadya

ISBN 978-1-922629-26-5

Mr. Grot and his Barrel of SNOT

Out for a walk, Mr. Grot would go, in search of more SNOT, more SNOT you know! But one day Mr. Grot messed with the wrong kid and wished he never did! Follow the sticky adventure of Alfred Marcus Deazuis as he unites with his new-found friends to teach Mr. Grot a valuable lesson indeed! Mr. Grot and his barrel of SNOT is a delightfully grotty tale engaging readers both young and old.

Radio NOVA919

ISBN 978-1-922722-40-9

Herbert the Dancing Horse

Herbert the Dancing Horse’s school talent show is coming up and he’s sad because he doesn’t have a special talent like the rest of his friends.

Join Herbert on his journey as he discovers everyone is unique and special in their own way.

“I’ve never read this book”
Andy Lee

“Send me the book!”
Zoe Foster Blake

“It sounds intriguing… but I’ll get my lawyers onto it”
Shaun Micallef

About the Authors

Ben was a dairy farmer in Two Wells and Liam is a Golden Grove born, uni drop out and fried chicken enthusiast. Ben & Liam are MADE for Adelaide! Join them up early, from 6am Monday to Friday on Nova 919 (or catch up on the weekly podcast!) and share your stories, hear the latest about God’s country (South Aus) and beyond!

Well what a journey that was hay (that’s a horse joke)! We hope you enjoyed it and who knows, maybe it won’t be Herbert’s last. We just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who helped make this book a reality and to everyone that’s picked it up and given it a read (yeah, that’s YOU!!).

Love, Ben & Liam



ISBN 978-1-9224522-9-0

Wear a Mask, Cupid!

Love (or at the very least, desire) always finds a way, right? The true stories in this collection reflect our basic human need to connect with others, physically and emotionally – and we won’t let a little thing like a pandemic stand in our way.

Sometimes funny and romantic, often disastrous and heartbreaking, our brave contributors share their adventures in online dating, dating long distance, dating by stealth, and trying to date but failing. Despite being light-hearted or simply-told, all of the stories demonstrate in their own way, how deeply complex, lonely and profound life can be in lockdown.

Tina Morganella, editor of 'Wear a Mask, Cupid!
Dr Maria Isabel Jimenez, editor of 'Wear a Mask, Cupid!'

About the Editors

Ms Tina Morganella

Tina is a freelance writer and copyeditor with an MPhil in creative writing from the University of Adelaide, Australia. Tina writes short fiction, personal essays and travel literature. Her short stories have been published in STORGY Magazine (UK), Tulpa Magazine (Australia), Sky Island Journal (US), Entropy (US) Sudo (Australia) and Fly on the Wall Press (UK), amongst others. Tina also has nonfiction work published in the Australian press (The Big Issue, The Australian, The Adelaide Advertiser). In her bi-weekly blog, Use it in a Sentence, Tina introduces readers to Merriam Webster’s Word of the Day via micro fiction. Tina is currently between boyfriends, and yes, she has tried online dating with varying degrees of failure.

Dr Maria Isabel Jimenez

Maria is an Officer in the Australian Defence Force. She has a PhD in complex Military Procurement Projects from the University of South Australia, and extensive experience in logistics and procurement, both in the government and private sector. Strangely, none of this prepared her for her online dating tour of duty. Maria survives to tell the tale, with only minor battle scars and a motivational speaking tour planned, once COVID is over. She is fluent in Spanish, is learning French, and knows how to cha-cha. Current personal status: It’s complicated!!

BAKER, Andrew

ISBN 978-1-922452-32-0 PAPERBACK

Fear Free Future

A collection of modern-day fables for today’s children.

In a world full of fear, 13 fables to enable you and your child to live a FEAR FREE FUTURE.

Featuring the legendary fable THE HIPPO WHO POOED ON US parts 1 and 2.

13 fables, 13 Animated films, 13 Steps to a FEAR FREE FUTURE.

  • 216mm x 216mm
  • 334 pages
  • Full colour throughout
  • QR code links to 13 online animations

EATTS, Steve

ISBN 978-1-922452-52-8

StupIT People

StupIT People is a tongue in cheek exposé of the world of modern big technology business. It’s a world where corporate madness and self-interest rules. One in which clients and employees simply don’t matter, as senior executives (aka company psychopaths) pursue short-term personal profit and internal point-scoring at absolutely any cost.

The story revolves around Michael Mansfield, a loyal and hard-working IT Sales Executive who strives to do the right thing by his company. For Michael, saving stupid people from themselves, navigating the constant back-stabbing within the business, and dealing with corporate political correctness gone mad has become a way of life.

This light-hearted tale of redemption will resonate with anyone who has experienced the sheer head-scratching absurdity that often exists within the modern business bubble.

About the Author

Born and raised in Adelaide, Steve Eatts worked in the field of Information Technology for more than 30 years, in many different roles across both public and private sector organisations. Throughout his career his work has taken him on business assignments in the United Kingdom, USA, India, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines and across all states of Australia.

After a hectic career involving far too much time away from family and friends, Steve decided to step off the corporate treadmill of IT and big business to pursue some other interests including writing his debut novel.  He now describes himself as semi-retired, and is a widower who lives in South Australia with his two sons.


ISBN 978-1-922337-76-4

The Suburban Footballer


Tom Siegert is The Suburban Footballer

Tom was a below average junior player and his career has been in free fall ever since. It is the final round of the season and once again he finds himself in the familiar position of warming the interchange bench. It’s freezing cold, rain is tumbling down and his head is thumping with his worst hangover since last week. As he sits, wishing he was anywhere but playing a game of footy, he wonders why he does it to himself. Should this be his final season or should he go around one last time?

ISBN 978-1-922452-46-7

Harry and the Footy Tree


Harry loves footy…
…but Harry was too small to play footy…
…or was he?