ISBN 978-1-922452-62-7

Old Retail, New Retail, WTF?

Humans were born to shop.

That’s why retailing became the biggest industry globally.

Today, retailing is an industry in crisis, undergoing massive disruption from online marketplaces like Amazon and Alibaba. Asia is emerging as a retail powerhouse, yet most retailers are focused on the US, UK and Europe.

7 billion shoppers don’t see things that way, but retailers are full of doom and gloom?
What is going to happen to their industry?

Roy Tavenor asks the same question – with a bit of twist.

WTF – What’s The Future of retail.

This is a book written by a realist, rather than a futurist, and draws on nearly 50 years of experience, learning from the past, to better understand the future.

For retailers and shoppers alike, there is good news.

Retail is not dying – just changing.


ISBN 978-1-9225-57-8 PAPERBACK

Running on Empty 

Small Business Survival Kit 

What’s a house painter doing with a steel business? For the first two years, I asked myself the same question. One of my good friends said to me, “Mate, you’re a bloody idiot! You’re giving up a good living painting houses to go and set up a steel business!”

I remember this because it hurt me so much. But I have got up off the floor so many times because of it. What happened was, I was lucky to be painting for a local business that was closing down because of a global downturn, and it gave me the chance to start up.

Over the following chapters, I hope to give you the inspiration and hope to go out and start your own adventure. I did, and now I am saying, WOW, where did twenty years go! My new venture enabled me to put three kids through university. One is a doctor, one is a teacher, and one is a radiographer.

I often wonder: Could I have done this on a painter’s wage?

The answer would be NO.


ISBN 978-1-922527-31-8 PAPERBACK

Develop Through Leadership Thinking

Rex has substantial background in general management marketing, sales, manufacturing, finance, HR, project management, personnel and strategic development at both corporate and business owner level. An active public speaker and trainer, he brings `real-life’ into his work, asense of the theoretical meeting the practical.

Consulting, coaching, mentoring, mediating, Rex has barely missed any industry sector. A lateral thinker, problem solver, with experience that enables him to overview situations and work with people to create their sustainable outcomes.

“He knows it is about the whole person; the individual, the family/social, the business/employment.”

This book addresses all those areas. It’s about connecting – making change accessible, about being the best you can be!

Walking the Talk: “Do as I do, not just as I say”!

“This book contains personal and business strategic thinking processes to implement sustainable change, enabling you to lead into the next decade”


ISBN 978-1-922452-6-10

Thought Leadership

As I traipse back through the centuries of information available outlining how humans have lived, been managed and controlled, I note with disappointment that while much positive change has occurred, much remains the same. These dominating forces – which are woven into the structure of every society, family, culture and generation, can see those of us who want to make change and understand who we are as a human being in the bigger picture, trip up at every intersection.

Thought Leadership proposes how we can break down the layers of dominance that are entrenched in society and become aware of the invisible net that surrounds and controls us throughout every moment of our life. When we do this, we have the best chance of creating a more equitable society, community, family, generation, and individual life. We can then investigate who we really are and allow our true self to evolve. We can learn how to develop our inner leader and learn how to think and behave like a thought leader. The impact on humankind with this approach to living would be phenomenal.

ISBN 978-1-922803-08-5

If it’s to be: It’s up to me


Quick fixes don’t work. Where do you get honest information that works and can hold them in good stead for their whole life, and which they can pass onto everyone else in their life and around the globe? This book offers them this. It is generational change that is required. You start from the ground up.

ISBN 978-1-922803-55-9

Back From Hell

We live in a period dominated by a mainstream that disrespect the capacity or even the possibility for the human machine to heal itself. Successive generations have been dumbed down and believe that others know best. We think we must intervene and ply it with something that will fix-it, but we’ve lost sight of what the human machine is capable of when using the right approaches. Unless you have been at the end of the road and come back better than you’d dreamed possible and that this is ongoing, you do not know what is possible. Unless you challenge current thinking and belief and take full responsibility for your health, you do not know what is possible.

EATTS, Steve

ISBN 978-1-922452-52-8

StupIT People

StupIT People is a tongue in cheek exposé of the world of modern big technology business. It’s a world where corporate madness and self-interest rules. One in which clients and employees simply don’t matter, as senior executives (aka company psychopaths) pursue short-term personal profit and internal point-scoring at absolutely any cost.

The story revolves around Michael Mansfield, a loyal and hard-working IT Sales Executive who strives to do the right thing by his company. For Michael, saving stupid people from themselves, navigating the constant back-stabbing within the business, and dealing with corporate political correctness gone mad has become a way of life.

This light-hearted tale of redemption will resonate with anyone who has experienced the sheer head-scratching absurdity that often exists within the modern business bubble.

About the Author

Born and raised in Adelaide, Steve Eatts worked in the field of Information Technology for more than 30 years, in many different roles across both public and private sector organisations. Throughout his career his work has taken him on business assignments in the United Kingdom, USA, India, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines and across all states of Australia.

After a hectic career involving far too much time away from family and friends, Steve decided to step off the corporate treadmill of IT and big business to pursue some other interests including writing his debut novel.  He now describes himself as semi-retired, and is a widower who lives in South Australia with his two sons.

FRAHM, Jen & ROSS, Lena

ISBN 978-1-922452-79-5


The Agile Change Playbook

Over the years, we have experimented, played, failed, adapted in various fashions with our change practice.

Now, we’re sharing all that experience in this playbook.

We’ve especially created this for change and project practitioners looking to adapt their practice to agile ways of working.

It’s jam-packed with the how, what and why of 30 agile change practices, templates and tools for you to use!

Lena Ross Author Self Published Green Hill Publishing

Lena Ross

Jen Frahm Author Self Published Green Hill Publishing

Jen Frahm

About the authors

Jen and Lena are both skilled educators and coaches with backgrounds in learning and development, and academia and are known for being at the frontier of change, agile and learning. They are straight shooters with an empathic approach.

After several successful collaborations they formed the Agile Change Leadership Institute in 2019.