ISBN 978-0-6485544-0-0

The Baptism of General Butt Naked


This inspiring book contains incredible events experienced by Doug Willis that testify to God’s providence, provision and protection during his 60 years of missionary and evangelistic ministry.

The things shared in this book took place during his ministry in Australia and 40 other nations around the world. Each story is intricately woven around a lifetime passion of seeking to win the lost to Christ.

What makes these accounts more amazing is the fact that his crusades, seminars and world tours were all paid for from unsolicited funds freely given by God’s children. In declining to receive a salary, God provided for Doug’s family; for his ministry expenses and for his personal needs—for this reason many know him as a faith missionary.

The author has compiled this book as an anthology, with the hope that the collection of distinct and remarkable stories will give a little ‘faith lift’ to those who need encouragement in their walk with God.

Hill of Grace quality Christian content

About the Author

In late August 1951, Doug publicly confessed his faith in Christ and was baptized soon after at the Church of Christ in Lismore.

He seemed destined for ministry – in 1958 ministering at a church in the eastern wheat belt of Western Australia. Not long after conducting tent missions he was drawn to the United States to team up with Reggie Thomas – a wonderful God-used evangelist. Since then this team has shared a ministry in world evangelism.


ISBN 978-0-6485862-3-4


Chosen to Die, Destined to Live


~ Christopher J. Mruk Ph.D. Fellow, American Psychological Association Professor of Psychology, Bowling Green State University

When Frida approached me as a student to help her work on this second edition of her book by directing it more toward resilience, I knew that I was about to become the student and she was to be the teacher.

As we went through the first edition talking about the changes she had in mind, it became clear to me that somehow this individual did everything “right” that we know about in terms of recovering from, and growing through, trauma. Her story takes the reader through all the stages of the process. It begins with the most devastating destruction of one’s sense of order about how the world works and the absolute shattering of personal identity. Next we follow her through the common after-effects of confusion, self-blame, betrayal, depression, and anger often associated with the process. Finally, the book leads us through the other side-effects that researchers talk about, especially finding ways to rebuild a sense of meaning, discover a larger purpose in life, being able to love again, and becoming even more than who and what one was before the trauma.
To put it in the simplest terms, this book is alive and powerful in a way that is humbling yet inspiring. It could be read as a story of personal survival, one of psychological transformation, or a journey to spiritual salvation. Anyone who has suffered at the hands of others, people who work with survivors, and those who are interested in the amazing capacity of the human spirit to be resilient could benefit from reading this book.

About the Author

Frida is the only survivor of her family, now married to Rob van der Zaag and the couple has seven children. She graduated from Bowling Green State University Firelands Campus in the State of Ohio with a bachelor’s degree of Arts in Communication. Frida has shared her story of miraculous survival, God’s grace, the power of forgiveness, inner healing and resilience around the world including, Africa, Europe, America and Australia. Frida is also a keynote speaker at high schools, universities, churches, business and not for profit organizations and various women groups.
Frida spoke at the UN Headquarters in New York during the 2016 Annual Commemoration of the Rwanda genocide against the Tutsis. In 2019, Frida spoke at Memorial de la SHOAH in Paris and at the Melbourne Jewish Holocaust Centre.
Frida is also the author of In the School of Resilience.



ISBN 978-1-922722-10-2

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No Ordinary Life

No Ordinary Life tells the story of a young couple’s experience of World War II and its influence on their lives.

It’s a story of love and its resilience during extraordinarily difficult times, the time before, during and just after World War II. Their participation took them from war-torn Glasgow and the battlefields in France, North Africa and a small Greek Island in the Aegean, to life in a German POW Camp and a timber camp in the Highlands of Scotland.

When the war finally ended, they left Scotland as ‘Ten Pound Poms’ and established a new life in Australia, far away from memories that were best left behind. This book is as much about the times in which they lived as it is about them.

ISBN 978-1-922890-56-6

TITLE PAGE  (for booksellers) or DIRECT FROM THE AUTHOR (for readers)

Private CRL Smith

A digger’s story from the Western Front

“Just at dawn, he began to shell us. I thought the end had come, as four chaps that were in the same room as I was got killed. A shell landed in the street, only a few yards off.”

During World War I, the diggers were rarely safe, even when they were miles away from the front line.

This book provides a glimpse into a private’s experience on the frontline. It is  based on the war diary of Private Charles Robert Lumsden Smith but is set within the broader context of World War I: the events that led up to the outbreak of war, the battles in which Private Smith fought, and others that influenced him or the outcome of the war.

It is the story of one man, amongst the hundreds of thousands of young Australians, who fought in a war that changed the face of Europe and spawned the nationalism that set the foundations for the next world war.

About the Author

Anne is a retired science teacher who started her working life as a medical scientist. She followed a passion to become a teacher and taught Science in the western suburbs of Sydney before taking up a position at a large independent school in the city where she taught for thirty years.

Retirement brought time to write, first about her children and the remarkable journey they shared in The Gift of Adoption, and then about her parents’ experience of World War I, No Ordinary Life. Her latest book, Private CRL Smith, tells another family wartime story; this time about a young Aussie on the Western Front during World I. Anne states: “You won’t find his name amongst the heroes written about in the history books, but he was one of the many unsung heroes of a war too willing to sacrifice young lives.”

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Novella  Distribution


ISBN 978-1-922957-58-0

Monarch of the Mob

Story of Roy Rene Mo Comedian

Harry Van der Sluice, an Adelaide boy, performed circus acts at home on Saturdays.

When the family decided to move to Melbourne, Harry, now known as Roy, establishes himself as a singer and dancer.

After the entrepreneur Ben Fuller sees Roy’s act, he signs him for tours around Australia and New Zealand.

Recognising Roy’s exceptional talent, the Fuller management team him with Nathan Phillips. This marks the beginning of Roy’s remarkable career on the Australian variety stage.

Gae Anderson author

About the Author

Gae Anderson, born and educated in Wagga Wagga, NSW, worked there as a stenographer for three years. With her sights set on an acting career, Gae moved to Sydney to live and work. An actor friend encouraged her to audition for NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Art) a two-year acting course at the time. Taking his advice, she was accepted. Gae remained a theatre performer for almost twenty years.

Her decision to move to Melbourne to live and work precipitated a change of direction toward university study and teaching.

In 1989, Gae returned to Sydney to live permanently. She gained her MA in Theatre Studies at the UNSW and PhD in Arts at Sydney University.

Professor Webby, Gae’s supervisor, encouraged her to convert her two-volume doctoral thesis into a book.

Tivoli King: The Life of Harry Rickards Vaudeville Showman was published in 2009. Wielding the Brush: Esther Paterson A lifetime in Australian Art followed in 2016.

BRUCE, Relly

ISBN 978-1-922803-65-8

Rude Boy

Based on true events

“Don’t waste time looking back, that’s not the direction you’re going anyway.”

Utter Nonsense, consisting of 7 members, was formed in 1980 and played gigs around Melbourne until they released their first EP in 1983, before touring the country.

After the release of “Changes Must Be Made”, they became a household name and were featured on several variety television programs nationwide before disappearing.

Mitchell Truce formed a Ska band with his high school friends and chose to drop out of school and follow his dreams. Starting in grungy, underground venues and pubs, Utter Nonsense was fast known as the ‘all- inclusive’ fun, new band with a UK sound. Their loyal fans, the Rude Boys are in danger of becoming overrun by the racist and violent National Front skinheads.

To complicate things even further, Mitch finds out that it is his girlfriend’s brother who is heading the local Nazi regime and causing most of the trouble at their gigs. The band tour the country focusing on their music and climbing the charts all the while facing the highs and lows of friendship, success, fame, and brotherhood.

Within 24 hours of celebrating an international tour opportunity, tragedy strikes the band, and all their dreams are left blowing in the wind.

ISBN 978-1-923156-02-9

Violet is Blue

Love that changes everything

In 1942, at age 16, Violet Middleton falls in love with an older man and in turn falls pregnant. Violet never disclosed to her parents who the baby’s father was and they are devestated that their squeaky-clean reputation in the small town they reside in will be tarnished forever so Violet is sent to a maternity home in Sydney where she is forced to give up her baby.

Violet spends the remainder of her years hurdling tragic events in search for her daughter. Violet’s search appears to be at a dead end, until an unlikely visitor shows up during Violet’s last living days and offers to help with the search but what she discovers will leave you questioning every personal relationship you have ever had.

ISBN 978-1-923214-46-0

Bloody Sword

Four modern day Australian scuba divers come across an old rum barrel; they drink from it and find themselves in England, 1818. In hopes to find their way back home they board a tall ship but soon realize they are under the command of “Benito Bloody Sword Bonito” the most blood thirst pirate on the high seas.


ISBN 978-1-922803-93-1

Sweet Grass

The girl in the dream

Sarah Coffey was brought into the world in 1961, and was assigned male at birth.

As a young child, she experienced feelings of being different – in her soul and her mind she was female.

It was only after navigating adolescence, early adulthood and the birth of her children that Sarah finally decided to listen to the feelings within her to become her true self.

Follow Sarah on her journey of discovery and self-love. At times raw and emotional, Sarah sheds light on a topic which can be confronting.

An authentic and powerful story, Sweet Grass: The girl in the dream will allow insight not only into Sarah’s own experiences but hopes to spread awareness around gender transitioning.