AGHAN, Laurie & Nick Armistead

ISBN 978-1-923088-66-5

Footy, The Great Leveller

Celebrating Laurie Aghan’s life in Aussie Rules

Laurie Aghan was one of the greatest amateur football coaches Victoria has ever seen – and one of its most engaging storytellers.

Ruthless and disciplined. Staunchly loyal. Tactically masterful. A leader with a deep-seated love for his players and the game of Australian rules football.

His no-nonsense approach to coaching led to incredible success at Reservoir Old Boys, Old Scotch Collegians, Old Melburnians, and the Victorian Amateur Football Association’s Big V program.

Success was never a given for Laurie, however, as he was first forced to overcome extreme poverty and the struggles associated with the South Melbourne slums, the Melbourne Orphanage, and the infamous Camp Pell.

It was these lessons that instilled Laurie with the drive to succeed in every endeavour, whether it be football, business, or any other aspect of life.

His story is equally sad and inspiring, honest and blunt, dark and humorous.

At the end of the day, one thing’s for certain; Laurie pulls no punches.


“I learned of Laurie’s remarkable childhood struggles and survival experiences, and his dogged and determined drive to succeed both in sport and business – in many cases against the odds.”

Hassa Mann

RAMSAY, Gordon

ISBN 978-1-923088-00-9

Gordon’s Nuggets

The Principals of War and How they Help in Love, Life & Work

This is a book people might read because it relates time-honoured and field-tested values and principles to the trials and challenges of everyday life; just as importantly, it speaks the lessons of those principles in the kind of voice of a man who has taught them and tested them in military life and then over long years employed them in his life and in his successful practice as a management consultant. Here are values you can trust interpreted by a human you can trust. You’d read this for its hard-won wisdom and it’s author’s gentle humanity and long life’s experience. This is a rainy afternoon by a fire; this is not a lecture or a call to arms. This is NOT the other Gordan Ramsay. But it is a kind of cook book – for life, not for the kitchen.


ISBN 978-1-922957-74-0

From the Pits to the Pinnacles

The true story of a boy’s less commonly travelled trek, through hardship and horrors, to a culminating fulfilment

Born in Adelaide in 1948, Jim began what was to become a journey of horrors, of character building, soul wearying, inescapable experiences.

By the time he was 15 he had lived at ten different addresses and started over at seven different schools. At age 15, he had lived enough torment and brutality, from his father, leaving behind, his father and his unfortunate oldest, now adult, brother. Jim still had much learning to do, through what was to be a very differently challenging, but in the end, rewarding and wonderfully satisfying culmination. Walk this amazing journey with Jim and learn how your own road, yet to be travelled, need not be mapped, by the road travelled, so far.


BATTY, Andrew

ISBN 978-1-922890-41-2

See you in Heaven

Seek and ye shall find… 40 days in search of Jesus

June 20
A crisp winter’s day
A Harley on the ground
No heartbeat
No sign of life
39 seconds
The kindness of a stranger
Ambulance on the way

Andrew awoke in a frantic Emergency room.
A voice exclaimed, ‘What happened, what happened?’
The paramedic responded, ‘I don’t know, I can’t explain it. The heart just started!’
Andrews was thinking, what do I wish I had told my kids? My friends?
He prayed, ‘Lord, give me the chance to tell my kids why I believe what I believe.’

This is Andrew.
This is his story.

Hill of Grace quality Christian content


ISBN 978-1-923088-28-3​

Sparks of Resilience

Embracing Life with GRIN2A Epilepsy

Scott’s story is an inspiring testament to the power of hope and human strength.

Meet Scott Muldeary, an remarkable individual who forged an extraordinary path as the first person in Australia to be diagnosed with genetic GRIN2A (glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 2A) epilepsy. Battling an unexpected and challenging condition from a young age, Scott’s life took a turn he could never have anticipated.

Sparks of Resilience delves into Scott’s journey of navigating the uncharted territory of GRIN2A epilepsy. From the initial diagnosis to the daily struggles and triumphs, this book offers an intimate glimpse into the life of a true fighter. Scott faces adversity head-on, confronting seizures and uncertainties with unwavering determination. 

Despite his condition, Scott manages to find joy in the simplest of things, spreading positivity like wildfire. He teaches us that life’s challenges don’t define us; it’s our resilience and ability to see the good that truly matters.

Sparks of Resilience is a story of perseverance, hope, and the incredible power of the human spirit. It reminds us that no matter how tough our hand in life, we have the capacity to rise above it all and ignite a spark of positivity in our own hearts and the world around us. 


ISBN 978-1-922957-31-3

The Bucket’s Full

A life story of traumatic experiences and overcoming consequences.

The bucket’s full is a true story of a Police Officer who has worked for 37 years in a number of Policing jurisdictions and capacity
development missions in Timor Leste, Afghanistan and Papua New Guinea.

The author, David J Gleeson, was a high ranked station manager and detective in Victoria before joining the Australian Federal Police to work overseas. Following a series of incidents whilst deployed in Papua New Guinea in 2014, Federal Agent David J Gleeson is diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. His bucket was filled.

During treatment, Gleeson recounted his various adventures and episodes that led to his diagnosis of PTSD, which resulted in the compilation of his story.

The Bucket’s Full covers a wide variety of the events and traumatic circumstances that lead to an eventual serious mental health injury that almost resulted in his death.

This book is a worth reading collection of a man’s insightful experiences who learnt to live again.