SHEN, Tommy

ISBN 978-1-922337-33-7

Book About Dragons

Do you believe in or have you seen a dragon?

Do you believe you are a powerful dragon born to become a superhero?


Do you believe you have special powers of ALL dragons combined?

Do you believe that your parents are hiding their special powers so that they can train you to be a giant dragon with super power that you were born to be?

I DO! Because I have seen dragons, and I AM A DRAGON TOO !

DRAGONS not only live across the galaxies, they also live among us and in our HEARTS.

Since I was a little boy, I believe I am the CHOSEN ONE to help all the dragons trapped in the darkness!

I believe as long as you just flip one or pick up the book, or even just look at the cover of this book, YOU are the CHOSEN ONE TO HELP THE DRAGONS!

BENO, Robert

ISBN 978-0-6486616-2-7
ISBN 978-1-922337-30-6

Aligning to Aliveness

Robert Beno grew from humble beginnings to become a successful attorney. While he had an avid interest in things of a spiritual or metaphysical nature since childhood, as a young adult he entered a deep ‘soul sadness’ or ‘dark night of the soul’ that lasted over a decade; during this time he endured many successive, intense challenges. In facing his deepest fears and darkest wounds that tested the very limits of the human condition, a process of awakening unfolded, which served to bring about a deeper joy through the simple act of Being and with that joy has come inner peace.

This book is testimony to the indomitable and transcendent power of the human spirit to reconnect with Source and return home in the deepest sense. Through simple guidance and intrinsic wisdom Robert pierces the veils of illusion that appear to hold us captive to mind-based patterns and profoundly reaches into the very heart of life itself, sharing insights to inspire and empower humanity through its collective heart awakening as we each evolve into higher levels of consciousness and deeper states of love and loving kindness.

About the Author

Robert Beno has a deep love and passion for sharing insights that may serve to empower and awaken the heart of humanity to its true nature, to its innate essence as the very river of consciousness that is life itself.

Robert presently lives in Sydney, Australia

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book is lovingly diverted to benevolent causes and philanthropic organisations chosen for their dedication and integrity in serving the greater good.

KELLY, Dermot

ISBN 978-0-6480268-6-0
ISBN 978-0-6481017-1-0


“A fascinating account of how Extraterrestrial Contact and how this phenomenon affects people’s lives and reality in so many extraordinary ways. Dermot shares with great honesty how these experiences have challenged him on multiple levels. It takes courage, to own this is happening to you in a world where most of the public struggle to even believe the UFO phenomenon is real, let alone admit to interactions with non-human intelligences. In my research over my 20+ years of research, also echo the same patterns of experiences.”

Mary Rodwell
Counsel, Hypnotherapist, Researcher and International speaker. Author of Awakening (2002) and The New Human.(2016) Principal of ACERN, Co-founder of FREE (Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters.)

About the Author

Dermot Kelly is an Intuitive Empath, researcher for the truth and family man. Through years of communicating with others from around the world, he is able to provide written documentation of his personal inter-dimensional reality with extraterrestrial contact.


ISBN 978-0-6483239-8-3

Encounters with the Spirit World

Encounters with Spirit World contains many never-before-documented reports of peoples’ encounters with those who have left this life and gone to the next. Some of these accounts are inspirational and uplifting; some however are truly frightening.

What stops this book from being just another, ‘bump in the night’ , collection of ghost stories is that many of the encounters told within come from respected, professional members of the community: from doctors and police to lawyers and even an astronaut, their encounters are told here, many for the first time.


About the Author

Brett Wright was a serving Police Officer with the NSW Police Force for 15 years

He spent the majority of his time as a frontline officer where he saw and dealt with the worst that humanity has to offer. During his career, Brett was awarded the Jim Affleck trophy for bravery and the Commissioner’s Commendation for Courage. He was twice a finalist for Police Officer of the Year from the Campbelltown Chamber of Commerce.

Brett left the Police in October 2016 and began writing from the day he left. When not writing Brett spends his time hiking, taking part in running events, travelling and enjoying his favourite sport, Rugby League.




ISBN 978-0-6486616-3-4
ISBN 978-1-922337-29-0

Healing Depression

As the author of Whispers from the Angels I am pleased to say that I have been guided to write another healing book.

My journey through depression lasted many years and at times it was for me life threatening.  I know now that I have been one of the luckier ones to have come out of it on the other side by learning how to recognise and use my Life Tools.

Healing Depression Using Life Tools is a book that has at times been channelled to me from a much Higher Power and it has been written with great passion to show people that in time you can recover from an illness such as depression.

About the Author

The discovery of being able to learn to identify and access my own Life Tools to assist me through my journey of depression has been a truly enlightening experience as it has taken me from the darkness into the light.

We all have Life Tools, they are deeply entrenched within all of us and if we are able to recognise them and use them in a positive way they really can help us through all of those tough times in life.

A great deal of uncovered wisdom through my journey has taught me that we can empower ourselves back to a much happier and healthier way of life if only we would take the time to educate ourselves and learn to be more in tune with what our bodies are really saying to us in times of great stress.

The journey that I went through has taught me a great deal about myself, I would not trade what I went through now for anything in the world for it has taught me that no matter how deep the hurt in life there is always hope.  We do not need to travel through these really tough times alone.  There are always people out there who can assist us to manage our illness in a more positive way if only we will let them.

Faith, hope, and an innate belief in ourselves are powerful Life Tools and they play a major role in allowing us through time to become better.

Positive change will always promote positive growth and you can achieve wellness by accessing your Life Tools.  Empower yourself to a much more balanced way of life by learning that it is okay to love yourself.  Learn to value your life in a way that you have never done so before.

Never ever give up on hope!

Heather Colquist

Diploma of Professional Counselling (Major in Grief and Loss)


ISBN 978-0-6485415-9-2

Cosmic Answers

From a young age Adrian has experienced the paranormal. Now he shares his journey, revealing moments of self-discovery, near misses, and other encounters with the spiritual realm.

About the Author

ADRIAN EVERITT is a Clairsentient and Indie Author from the Cosmic Answers brand. Since 2013 Adrian has been offering readings. You may know him from Perth, the Mornington Peninsula or East Gippsland where he now lives & works. Now you can read his first book!


Follow Cosmic Answers on Facebook or visit him at his market stall.