ISBN 978-1-923088-46-7

Discover the truth behind the

Murder at the Linley Cove Lighthouse

“The broken railing and askew post on the outside of the fourth-floor balcony was a giveaway to the attending detective Peter.”

In the early morning, Kev is woken by a phone call; a body had been found at the base of a seven-storey lighthouse. As a senior mortuary technician, Kev is tasked with preparing this new patient for analysis.

Paul is the supposed victim, and close friend of Peter the detective assigned to the case. Paul’s body had been removed from the scene before Peter got there, authorised by Peters Chief Superintendent so he would not have to see his friend looking like he did at the foot of the lighthouse. The investigation progresses, more and more is revealed that leaves the police questioning everything.

In the midst of the investigation, Kev’s relationship with his co-worker, Liz, unexpectedly blossoms and Kev finds his attention split between his job and this fledgling love affair.

Discover the true inner workings of a forensic mortuary and the training of a new employee. Also follow the homicide detective Peter to discover the truth behind the Murder at the Linley Cove Lighthouse.

About the Author

Kevin is the third son of Robert George Hillier and Dorothy Margaret Hillier. Stephen and Andrew being his two older brothers. Kev was born in the lounge room of the family home soon after ten pm on the 21st of October 1966. His childhood was a good and loving one. From the age of fourteen, Kev worked in a butcher’s shop after school. It was situated in the small village of Alverstoke in Gosport, Hampshire, on the south coast of England, to the left of Portsmouth Harbour.

When he left school, he gained a position with a large supermarket chain, working in their meat preparation room. That was, until he damaged an eye in an accident at home, which made it impossible to work with all the equipment at that time. After working in a few different departments over the next six months or so, he decided he needed something new.

He then worked for a maritime engineer, helping with everything from building or repairing slipways, to painting and varnishing yachts. At this time, Kev lived on a boat to try to save money, and that is when he started writing as he had no television. He would while away the hours in the evenings drafting stories that came into his head like waking dreams. These stories were handwritten in a book and wouldn’t have been able to be read by anyone other than Kev due to his dyslexia. The stories were badly written, spelt and had hardly any punctuation.

After six months of working with the marine engineer, he joined a jewellery retail company as a trainee manager and made it to the position of manager a couple of years later. When a competitor bought out the company, Kev went for another change and became a trainee mortuary technician.

That’s where he met Liz, you may say the rest is history. He is now settled in South Australia with Elizabeth and their two grown up daughters. He started writing again as a hobby in January 2023. After his father heard Kev had completed his first draft he said about the story “that should be published.” Kev’s father died three days later. Kev decided to approach a publisher and this is his novel. Thank you for reading it.

HOLT, Jeremy

ISBN 978-1-923088-17-7

Everything That Stands

Dare you push against the doors?

Will you brave the darkness to find your light?

September 3, 1978.

At the height of the revolutionary war for Rhodesia, twin brothers face a harrowing ordeal when their passenger plane the Viscount Hunyani is struck down by a SAM-7 missile.

In escaping the wreckage, Baron and Blaise Black, co-incidental players in a conflict they neither desire, nor fully comprehend, witness a calculated act of brutality that sets them on a relentless and hazardous journey through unforgiving African bush.

The consciousness of the older twin becomes a prism through which the complexities of purpose, truth, and conscience are explored, against the backdrop of civilians forced to confront unbearable choices.

With this debut novel, the author invites readers to extend their search for meaning beyond the doors of the known, to the undiscovered country that beckons to us all.

Jeremy Holt self-published author

About the Author

Jeremy grew up in Durban, South Africa, during the turbulent, apartheid-era Sixties, and countercultural Seventies. For forty years, he has worked in various educational communities across the globe as a teacher, mentor, lecturer, sports-coach, residential leader, and consultant.

Apart from guarding against his life-narrative becoming an idiot’s tale, Jeremy nurtures a love of family, along with an admixture of literature, philosophy, writing, rugby, and swimming. He is married to Anne, a theatre-nurse manager, who spent her youth in Salisbury, Rhodesia. They are based in Hidden Valley, north of Melbourne, Australia, where their search for meaning continues.

Jeremy’s debut novel, Everything That Stands, is the first book of a larger conceptual framework, The Baron Black Trilogy.


ISBN 978-1-922957-82-5

Time Warp

A Saga of Family

Warning: this account is not for the faint hearted.

Within the contents of this book, there is much to disturb and horrify. Conversely, it is a vehicle to uplift and encourage. Whilst it lays bare the depths of human depravity, it clearly models heights of human courage and endurance. The recount shines a light on the devil, Satan, but only to demonstrate he is a defeated potentate, powerful as he undoubtedly is to deceive and corrupt.

This book also celebrates the dedication and expertise of medical and dental practitioners who study and labour towards healing, providing their patients relief from suffering. But first and foremost, completely and unashamedly, the purpose of this document is to testify to the living reality, tender compassion and miracle working power of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

The narrative constructed through transcribed diaries from 2007 – 2013 discloses evidence of the phenomenon currently termed Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). The author was previously in error when consigning references to ‘multiple personalities’ to the realm of fantasy.

‘For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith… and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God… not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.’ (Ephesians 2: 8 – 10)

DENMAN, Christine

Christine Denman Beyond the Bank - Power and Invincibility book cover

Sample the book

See a sample of the interior of Beyond the Bank: Power and Invincibility by Christine Denman

Full pricing and availability details coming soon!

ISBN 978-1-922890-52-8

Beyond the Bank: Power and Invincibility

The impact of the 2022-23 Floods on the Lower Murray

“A juxtaposition of nature’s might against the community’s persistent resilience.”

This book is a journey that stirs imaginations into the deeper biophilia. The destructive floods of 2022-23 forced remarkable companionship, bonding, and cooperation amongst all local people and other living things.

About the Author

Christine Denman is an award-winning photographer, and has been even more committed to documenting local culture, people, and events since retiring as a nurse in 2020. Her photos have been displayed at regional galleries, shown across South Australian media, and featured in country newspapers. She is also Convenor of Photography at the Mannum Show.

Her photos can be admired (and bought) at her website: christiphotography.com.au


ISBN 978-1-922957-90-0

ISBN 978-1-923088-72-6

Suburban Insurgent

A Veteran’s Crime Odyssey

The only way to succeed in Melbourne’s globalised criminal world is to cripple bodies, end lives, and build alliances, only to destroy them.

That’s a lesson veteran Jason Farrelly is about to learn first-hand.

Disillusioned, disconnected and in need of a violent action fix due to his operational experience, Farrelly uses his military skills and street smarts to obtain illegal positions of power and accumulate great wealth.

A Chinese gang, Aryan militants, and notorious narco kings all feel the full effect of contracting and brutally falling out with Jason Farrelly, the suburban insurgent.

About the Author

Green S.K. is a former infantry soldier and member of the 1st Battalion Royal Australian Regiment, with which he went on operational service.

He has also spent much of his working life in the civilian security industry and holds a Master’s in Counter Terrorism Studies, and a Bachelor of Social Sciences.


ISBN 978-1-923088-14-6

Family Stories of a Migrant Child

His life, hopes and adventures written and remembered by Jan Ravesteyn

Introducing a heartfelt memoir that intertwines the lives of Jan Willem and his son Jan (John) Ravesteyn. In this captivating account, Jan delves into the memories of his beloved father, showcasing their unbreakable bond despite their occasional disagreements.

With deep filial love and a human connection that remained unwavering, Jan explores the profound influence his father had on shaping his childhood and ultimately shaping the person he became. As the narrative unfolds, Jan shares his own life, work, and adventures, with the invaluable support and encouragement of his daughter, Maaike.

His mother’s stories relating events from WW1, the Great Depression, WW2, a growing expanding family and the devastating flood of 1953. The biggest fork in their road was migrating to the other side of this wonderful world. The change in language, culture, geography and much more, but Maaike always used to say “you take you self with you”.
So that simplifies life when you remain true to yourself.

This memoir highlights the enduring familial ties that have shaped multiple generations, extending beyond the immediate family into the future. This is a testament to the strength of family, the wisdom passed down through the ages, and the recognition that each member is a cherished gift from above.